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Spontaneous generation is a theory that tends to explain much phenomenon that is observed when raw or boiled meet is left for some time as it gets spoilt. It is common to observe maggots on spoiling meet which is just an example of the numerous microscopic animals which grow and suitably survive in the environment of spoilt meet. This can be supported by the fact that most microorganisms have different abilities to survive in differing pH. Microorganisms such as fungi endure acidic while cyanobacteria thrive in basic conditions.

The Spontaneous generation theory provides a glimpse of where emerging diseases come from. In the first place, emerging diseases are those that have been diagnosed in a given population for the first time. They include Nipah encephalitis and mosquito-bone chikungunya. Vibrio vulnificus is another bacterium that survives in acidic conditions of the stomach. People who consume raw tainted oysters are likely to be affected by Vibrio vulnificus. Taking antacids may also welcome the risks of Vibrio vulnificus infections. From the table of researchers, antacids provide a stimulated gastric environment that favors the survival of the Vibrio vulnificus. This is from the fact that this pathogen survives slightly in acidic conditions. When an antacid gets into the stomach, it raises the pH by neutralization (Pommerville 180). The previous acidic conditions would slightly support their survival but when the pH is raised, the pathogen multiplies more.

Vibrio vulnificus infection has been rated as the leading cause of deaths because of consuming seafood. Apart from refraining from antacids, people can reduce the risk of Vibrio vulnificus infections by avoiding the consumption of raw oysters. They can also protect any wound from warm sea water as well as raw sea food and its juice. In addition, people should take immediate actions such as washing the wounds and cuts, visiting a medical provider as soon as one has come into contact with sea water or seafood juices.

Biofilms are organized and layered system of bacteria which stands out to be a critical area of study. They usually communicate through electrical and chemical signals while structuring their layers of three dimensions. Biofilms have accounted 2/3 of the total bacterial infections such as lung infections in humans. In most cases, the biofilms bacteria survive in a region that has low concentration of oxygen mainly in industries and workshops. Among the various examples of biofilms bacteria is streptococcus. It is a serotype of Gram-positive bacteria which Carlos in the case study was diagnosed with. It leads to necrotizing fasciitis which is an infection that breaks through the skin and erodes the protective covering muscles. It leads to various symptoms including fever, weakness yuckiness, low blood pressure as well as nausea among others. This is a reemerging disease which has come from a different direction of the S. pyogenes. In order to take care of an infected person, the infected tissues have to be cut away. Applying antimicrobial drugs could help also to destroy the bacterium so that further damage is controlled.

The Gram staining procedure provides a platform from which bacterium can retain its original color based on the physical and chemical properties of the cell wall. S. pyogenes is Gram-positive bacteria which turns dark purple after the procedure. This retention is based on the fact that the primary dye on the cell wall is Crystal Violet (Pommerville 50).

Work cited:

Pommerville, Jeffrey C. Alcamo's Laboratory Fundamentals of Microbiology. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2010. Print.


578 Words  2 Pages
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