Protein Identification and Comparison
He identification of exoression patterns for proteins and proteins themsevles in organsm under specific physiological conditions has gained a lot of importance for the study of various process in a cell (Rabilloud,157).This experiement aims at identification and comparison of protien concentration in the sample, through extrating protein and running the samples through a cleanup process, carryin oout an electrophoresis to separate the protein strains. The soruce of the protin strain involve various species of fish with different similarities of protein similarities . This is indicated in the cladogram where various fish have protein bands , so that majority species have shared common protien with their ancestors , while other have limited shared characteristics.
Does molecular evidence support or disprove the theory of evolution or does it support or disprove the predictions?
The cladogram indicates that fish shared characteristics or common protein bands have a common ancestor. The more similar characteristics are shared by the fish the more likely that they have a common ancestor in recent times. With evidence showing that more fish have similar traits and recent common ancestors; this can support the evolution theory.
What conclusion can be made from the proteins about evolution?
The banding patterns as shown by the gel have revelation of information about the composition of various muscles from the samples of the fish. Proteins are normally synthesized in accordance to the genes of a DNA. Proteins profiles that are similar show that DNA in which they are coded has to be the same.
How are organisms classified on the basis of evolution?
The difference in protein patterns and the different branches shoes that these fish species separated at different times of evolution.
Works cited
Rabilloud, Thierry, ed. Proteome research: two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and identification methods. Springer Science & Business Media.2000. 157-158