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The Southeast Planning Group (SPG)


The Southeast Planning Group (SPG) case study

Analysis of the change that took place in the SPG

 The Southeast Planning Group (SPG) has been a healthy organization for 5 years. The founding director has helped the organization achieve operational effectiveness. However, changes are inevitable and the SPG is experiencing changes in that the executive director has resigned from her position and the organization has appointed a new executive director (Plummer et al. 2014). It is important to note that the first change occurs as a result of hiring a new director and the second change occur in organization restructuring. The community as well as the organizational members, and stakeholders are resisting the changes and they believe that the director is not making the right decisions (Plummer et al. 2014). They also believe that the director has a self-serving behavior and hence he does not target to support the organization.  As a result, stakeholders have reported that the organization is under uncertainty since the new leadership has shaken the existing organizational processes.

 One strategy that might improve the organizational climate and return the organization to optimal functioning.

 One strategy that might work best for the organization is that the Southeast Planning Group should improve communication with stakeholders or in other words, the new director should engage stakeholders so that they can understand the change in terms of ‘why the change', what the organization wants to become, and the plan that the organization will follow to reach the destination (Lauffer, 2010). To put it simply, the strategy that the organization should use to improve the organizational climate and ensure that the organization achieves its level of functioning is communication. Note that the change has altered the organization's climate and this means that elements such as interpersonal relationships, trust, organization structure, and more have changed. The new leadership has caused the negative effects on the organization's climate and to ensure that the organization works effectively as before, the new director should communicate to organization members and involve them in the change cycle (Lauffer, 2010). This strategy is effective in that the stakeholders have worked in this organization for five years and any change will impact them either positively or negatively. Thus, the new director should communicate with the stakeholders to understand the unique needs of the organization and plan change initiative (Lauffer, 2010). The director should not implement change without informing the stakeholders about the purpose of change, the strategic objective, and more importantly, conduct risk analysis with the stakeholders to measure the potential issues that the change could bring.



















  Plummer Sara-Beth., Makris Sara., & Brocksen M. Sally., (2014).  Social Work Case Studies:

Concentration Year. Laureate Publishing


Lauffer, A. (2010). Understanding your social agency. SAGE Publications,





454 Words  1 Pages
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