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Tesco PLC is a British multinational company that deals with grocery as well as general merchandise of retails

Global Issues

Tesco PLC is a British multinational company that deals with grocery as well as general merchandise of retails. Its headquarters are based in Welwyn Garden City. The increasing complex in the nature of jobs at TESCO and the growing competition from the company’s rivals has resulted into a rise of a very important strategy of the human resource personnel so as to offer them with adequate compensation to all their employees. The core issue and challenge that is beuing faced by the TESCO employees is connected to the unpaid overtime to the employees. Around 50,000 employees have not yet being compensated for the overtime. This un-payment of the overtime of the employees has resulted in creation of stress, pressure as well as low drive among the employees (Edwards 2014). The organization has even cut down its costs through termination of some of its employees thus leaving the few employees with the burden of having to work extra hours so as to cover for the work of those employees who have been terminated. However, they are not paid for this extra hours and this has resulted into their poor performance. The company should therefore put in place human resource management so as to be able to retain, compensate and reward highly performing employees. Enough employees should be employed so as to ensure that they are not overworked and they do not work on extra hours as this will bring profit to the business.

            In comparing Australia and United Kingdom, Australia has a higher rating of the Geert Hofstede’s cultural dimension. Employees in these two countries may face the challenge of adjusting to working hours as they maintain time honored traditions and thus they do not believe in societal change (Itim international n.y). Hence any cultural change by the employer may not be adopted well in these countries as they have a low rate of long term orientation.



Edwards J. (2014). Tesco Workers Want The New CEO To Know About The Unpaid Overtime They're Working. Retrieved from:

Itim international (n.y). Geert Hofstede. Retrieved from:

354 Words  1 Pages
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