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Jaguar Land Rover Company

Jaguar Land Rover Company

The government has a mandate to support companies in times of financial crises. However, for the company to offer financial support, the company often goes through a series of tough tests which determines the reasonable course of action. Though the outcome of Jaguar’s bailing by the government was good, it was not the best solution for the company. In most cases companies are advised to first consider all other options before seeking bailing from the government. Jaguar Company was therefore expected to be responsible of their operations and how they managed their resources.  Doing this would have minimized their chances of seeking bailing from the government.

Corrigan, (2008), asserts that transforming the company into a viable business is one of the important goals that the company should endeavor to fulfill. Using the SWOT and PESTLE tools of analysis, the company has been able to realize some of the important opportunities in their environment. The emerging market on low-carbon vehicles is one of the opportunities that the company has seized. The company has thus established strong range rover brands. These vehicle brands are improved and updated models which have greatly attracted so many customers hence helping in driving the sales. The company invests heavily in innovation as a strategy to ensure that they obtain competitive advantage over their competitors. It has thus established new factories, adopted new technology that involves the expansion of the use of aluminum policy. This has been pioneered in the XJ model. The result of these innovations has resulted to production of lighter, less-fuel consuming and as a result greener automobiles. With continued efforts, the company will be in a stable position to bail their business out even in the face of financial crisis without depending on the government and banks.


Corrigan, T. (2008) Recession: Jaguar Land Rover must now turn itself into a viable business. Retrieved from:>



321 Words  1 Pages
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