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Fraud and identity theft

Fraud and identity theft

    Once a criminal has enough identifying information about another person’s they are able to take over that person’s identity so as to carry out a wide range of crimes such as withdrawing cash from the bank, false application for loan as well as obtaining some privileges which the criminal might not be able to obtain if they used their real names (Abagnale 2008).  This can be carried out through mail theft where one may get the information from the mailbox.  Pretexting where the thief may acquire information from playing of con game and shoulder surfing where one may get the information from the public while passing by.

    The use of social media has currently increased in the current days and this has posed a lot of threat to privacy is violated. This has therefore raised the issue of fraud and identity theft as the criminals find it appealing to identify personal details of the individual of interest. The Internet is one of the sources of media where criminals are able to acquire passwords or even some of the bank information. Emails are another source where criminals are getting identity information. For instance, this can be done through the sending of spam emails that do promise false benefits and requesting for personal information which criminals use to commit identity crime. Use of computer technology is another source where criminals are able to access a large amount of personal information for instance through the hacking of accounts and passwords of the social media accounts. 

        People need to be sensitized about the importance of maintaining careful records of their bank and financial information. People should refrain from giving out their personal information on social media for example in Facebook, twitter, and Google accounts. People should stay diligent and should ensure that they monitor their emails regularly so as to see whether one's privacy has been evaded.















    Abagnale F. (2008). “Frank Abagnale speaks at NADA”. Retrieved from:

331 Words  1 Pages
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