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Terrorism is described as the utilization of threats as well as violence in intimidating or coercing mostly for political aims


            Terrorism is described as the utilization of threats as well as violence in intimidating or coercing mostly for political aims (Winkler, 2013).  The most recent attack is the San Bernardino shooting that occurred in 2015 where at least 14 individuals lost their lives. And twenty-two more people were injured critically.  The attack happened at the regional center of inland in California, San Bernardino. The attack generally involved an attempt bombing and mass shooting of United States citizens living in San Bernardino.  The attacks perpetrators were Malik Tashfeen and Farook Rizwan Syed which is a married couple that lives in Redlands city. The attack was targeted at the county of San Bernardino public health department of training and charismas events. The department held around eighty employees who were at a banquet room that had been rented. Farook was born in America and was a Pakistani descent citizen and he worked as an employee in the department of health.  On the other hand, Malik was born in Pakistan and was a permanent United States residents (Vronsky & Parker, 2016).  After the incidence, the couple fled by they were later pursued by police four hours after the attack and shot dead. 

The incidence investigation revealed that both perpetrators were violent homegrown extremists who were being influenced by globe terrorist’s teams. They were, therefore, receiving directions from the groups but were not part of the terrorist groups (Vronsky & Parker, 2016). The above terrorist attack was based on radicalization. The motive of the shooting attack was violence, workplace as well as terrorism. This may have been associated with workplace violence since the couple only targeted the husband’s co-workers.  This is based on the fact that the couple opted to perform the act on their own even if guidance was coming from foreign groups of terrorists.



            Vronsky P. & Parker R. (2016). Radical Islamic Terrorism In America Today.  R.J Parker Publisher. Copyright.

            Winkler, A. (2013). Gunfight: The battle over the right to bear arms in America. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.




341 Words  1 Pages
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