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Reading and writing



 Reading and writing are important literacy skills. Writing is a learning tool that allows students to reflect on what has been learned. Thus, writing is a thought process in that students use thoughts to record what he or she understands. To write effectively, students need writing skills-these skills will enable the students to focus on the subject area, and write authentic and meaningful information. Reading is important as it allows students to acquire knowledge. Reading also enhances concentration, sharpens analytical thinking, and above all, improves writing skills. There is a reciprocal relationship between reading and writing in that students construct and communicate meaning from what has been taught. I faced challenges in literacy skills. In high school, I had weaknesses in reading and writing, and I have experienced the same weakness in college. However, my instructor has worked strategically to solve my problems. The strategic competence has changed by changed my attitudes and perceptions toward writing in that I have gained academic literacy skills and I have improved my reading and writing.

 At the beginning of this semester, I had trouble in reading and writing. First, I realized that reading and writing in college are seen as basic skills that students cannot do without.  Instructors emphasize reading and writing since these are elements where students can access knowledge.  In writing, I can say that I was not good in this area simply because I lacked the necessary strategies.  I did not know that writing is a process that needs to be organized systematically. My major problem was in the text organization. I could not detect the main idea nor the subordinate ideas that support it.  Because I was unable to recognize the relevant information, it means recalling the information was also a challenge. Despite the fundamental relevance of these literacy skills, I had trouble in readings. Yes, I read but I could not read critically or in other words, I could not remember what I read. 

 Another challenge that I experienced at the begging of the semester and that made my reading and writing difficult is that I lacked knowledge about the reading and writing process.  I very well know that reading and writing are part of the curriculum but I could not understand the text simply because I lacked background knowledge. For example, I lacked reading skills such as decoding. I could read a series of texts but after completion, I could not remember what I have read nor apply the knowledge gained. When it comes to witting, I was unprepared. I lacked analytical skills, planning skills, writing strategies, writing mechanism, and more. As a result of the lack of background knowledge, I was subjected to awkward grammar, weak arguments, and others.


 However, my reading and writing have changed. My attitudes and perceptions toward reading and writing have been influenced by the appropriate approaches that the instructor has used.  My instructor has made reading and writing meaningful. First, I have been introduced to the reading process including pre-reading. There was a gap in my reading ability but I have achieved the reading skills. I have realized that reading is an activity and now I can identify an effective strategy.  For example, when reading, I  use simple exercises such as pre-reading-this helps me understand a particular text,  thinks about the situation, gain background knowledge, and understands the central theme.  I also do an exercise known as post-reading.  I conduct deeper analysis to ensure that the text content is well organized. My instructors have tried anything they could to ensure that I develop an interest in reading and writing. I have also improved my writing in that at the beginning of the semester, my essay was full of grammar errors and I usually scored lower marks. My instructors always gave me a bad impression and I got low grades. I can say that my knowledge in writing has not only improved my grades but I enjoy readings. My instructor does not discover complexities but my essay is well organized.  I have learned that good writing has a focus, clear ideas, and coherence. Since I know I am better at reading and writing, I will use these ideas to be more successful in reading and writing in the future. Today, reading and writing are more pleasurable than in the past.



Reading and writing are indistinguishable-meaning; one should improve in both reading and writing.  At the beginning of the semester, I could write and read to complete the assignment. I lacked basic skills and I ended up using inefficient strategies. Lack of comprehension hindered me from understanding the text and nor could I get the main idea. However, my instructors take corrective actions to engage me in reading and writing activities.  I no longer struggle with reading and writing since my instructors have facilitated learning through employing the pedagogic approach and socio-affective strategies. Personally speaking, reading and writing were difficult to me simply because I lacked literacy skills. However, efforts from my instructors have solved my problems.


836 Words  3 Pages
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