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Logical Fallacies

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Paper Instructions:

The topic of paper 2 is logical fallacies. I would like you to find one fallacy in the media, prove that it is a fallacy, and explain the problem. It could be a political ad, a commercial, a print ad, a billboard, or nearly anything else. Be sure that you EXPLAIN which fallacy you are discussing and DEFINE it.  You will also have to CITE the ad that you use.  


Summary of Requirements
•750-1,000 words of text (the body of the essay, not including the title, your name, or the Works Cited page)
•Essays MUST USE 8th edition MLA format
•Proper MLA format is expected, including proper use of in-text citations and a Works Cited page.
•Use of at least one outside source (which can be the advertisement itself). You can use more than one source if you wish (to look up more in-depth definitions of the fallacies, for example).
•Use of first person, second person, and contractions are NOT ACCEPTABLE. Avoid them.  
•Your essay must be submitted as a Microsoft Word file attachment.

190 Words  1 Pages
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