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Letter to congressmen supporting funding for conservation and parks

Letter to congressmen supporting funding for conservation and parks

Dear governor George and congress members,

I am writing to thank the congress for their continued support in funding our conservation teams who are interested in ensuring the available parks in Washington State are conserved. The funds have ensured that the parks remain conserved though some challenges have risen since the parks need more funds this year for the conservation measures to continue being put in place. The parks are important tourist attraction sites and ensure our state remain beautiful hence more conservation measures which need more funds need to be put in place.

The National Park Service has suffered over the past years since the congress has not been providing enough funds to ensure the parks remain conserved and protected. The parks need proper and thorough maintenance since the congress needs to provide enough funds failure to which park conservation will not be possible. The American people are proud of the parks hence some donors have come up in ensuring they help in the process of conserving the parks. The congress should therefore join hands with such people and provide enough funds so that the parks can remain protected, conserved and be in good shape always.

The different parks available require different amounts of funds therefore the congress should consider the amount of funds they give towards park conservation processes. Parks are important and thus should be treated with much importance since they not only act as tourist attraction sites but also help in curbing environmental pollution.

Again, I would like to thank the congress for their continued support but please ensure the parks get more funds so that thorough conservation measures can be put in place this year.


Georgea Stephen




292 Words  1 Pages
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