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Earth Science in Action

Earth Science in Action


The title of this article is Fuel from Sewage Is the Future and Its Closer than You Think. The Web address is The author is the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Topics covered include waste water treatment plants, hydrothermal liquefaction and the transformation of sewage to bio fuels.

The transformation of unwanted sewage to fuel is a new technology learnt and this is the new information from this article. Many times, the sewage has been seen as unwanted but the author shows that this sewage can be used as a source of fuel since people have currently over relied on the fossils fuels. Coming up with this fuel will ensure that wastes are utilized in the right way since they will be an important source of fuel. The biocrude will be odorless and has zero impact on the environment thus supports sustainability (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2016. This new information is important since it will ensue that the environment is conserved and that overexploitation of the fossils fuels reduces.

This information will be useful since most waste water treatment plants will ensure that biocrude is available and becomes an important source of fuel. This technology will also see to it that other solid residues from the process of generating the biocrude such as phosphorus are used as fertilizers instead of exploiting the phosphorus ore (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2016). This technology will see to it that ordinary sewage is turned into useful biocrude oil within the shortest time possible something that the ear does using many millions of years.


The article is interesting since it is interesting how the earth takes millions of years to generate oil whereas scientists can generate oil using the shortest time possible using ordinary waste and subjecting it to only high temperatures and pressure.


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. (2016, November 2). Fuel from sewage is the future --     and it's closer than you think: Technology converts human waste into bio-based fuel.         ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 15, 2016 from


346 Words  1 Pages
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