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Environmental Science on Pollution

 Environmental Science on Pollution



The article is about air pollution and the impact it has both indoors and outdoors. Air pollution can cause diseases and also affect the normal temperature. The article also focuses on the global hazard that air pollution has, the environmental impact it causes, and eventually what can be one to solve the problems. Air pollution according to the article is a health hazard that is dangerous and causes death and therefore important to find solutions for the hazard.

Air pollution is a combination of particles and gases such as smoke, carbon dioxide, and methane among others that can reach dangerous concentrations indoors and in the open. Air pollution is a health hazard and research shows that poor outdoor air is a cause of premature deaths. Indoor smoke is a major health risk to individuals who use charcoal, kerosene among others (Nunez 2019). Air pollution is associated with inclined rates of cancer, respiratory, and heart diseases resulting from long term exposure. Air pollutants cause environmental effects such as climate change. Carbon dioxide, methane, and sulfur dioxide are some of the gases that cause climate change. Countries have come up with strategies to tackle the different types of air pollution to improve air quality. For indoor solutions, people should increase ventilation, use purifiers among other ways to prevent indoor pollution.

Due to the great impact air pollution has on people and the environment, preventive strategies, and policies should be implemented and made a priority (Nunez 2019). The many diseases and deaths caused by air pollution should be an eye-opener that it is a health threat and should be addressed. People should also follow the policies set to help curb this problem. A solution to prevent gases that cause climate change being released into the atmosphere should be looked into.




Indoor and outdoor air pollution cause diseases and climate changes. It is a health hazard that causes premature death through the dangerous gases that are released in the atmosphere. It is associated with diseases such as cancer and respiratory diseases that result from long term exposure. Preventive measures and policies need to be implemented to help curb indoor and outdoor air pollution.




















Nunez, C. (2019). Climate 101: Air Pollution. National Geographic, 4. Retrieved from





381 Words  1 Pages
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