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A financial analyst


If one shows interests in financial fields such as the mechanisms operating the financial market, stocks, bonds and other financial related fields, then a financial major is worth their time. Financial majors help one cultivate and improve analytical skills for the sake of evaluating financial statements and reviewing financial status of organizations and other institutions. Also after completing financial major and horning skills, one acquires the ability to analyze a document quantitatively and qualitatively hence formulating business strategies that seek to improve the well fair of the entire business operations. This paper will discuss two fincial career choices that a person with financial major can follow after graduating, the core skills the career brings to the table and come up with the recommendation for one of the career choices.

 Financial analyst

A financial analyst studies both macroeconomics and microeconomics contexts together with an organization’s basics in order to come up with informed recommendations, which in turn help managers, make decisions and control the forces operating the financial market. In fact, financial analysts normally recommend a certain sequence of action namely, acquiring more stocks or reselling stocks depending on a particular situation. A financial analyst takes his or her to inform others on latest developments within the field and comes up with monetary replicas to foresee the near future fiscal circumstances and then formulate recommendations from which managers can formulate marketing strategies for business enterprises.

            A part from formulating recommendations, a financial analyst compiles reports for easier decision making. A tactful way of disseminating financial information effectively is via other firm’s market information. It is up to the financial analyst to collect information and compile a report that will give insight and inform on strategic mechanisms. Indeed a financial analyst has the ability of evaluating a specific market and draw out recommendations and conclusions from it.

 In the fiscal services sector, a financial analyst is a sought-after career as a person with such qualifications can work at any capacity, junior and senior. The niche opens up to other valuable financial specialties. The core duties of a financial analyst range from assessing financial data to utilization of outcomes to assist organizations remain afloat and make informed decisions. Repeatedly, the career entails investing and growing a business for the better part of the day.

 In terms of expertise and educational background, financial analyst qualifications are definite and simple to attainable. Unlike fields like medicine, the field is not wide hence, one can take a short time studying basic concepts. Whether one meets any compulsory, licensing relies on issues such as the employer and particular job responsibilities.

In the present corporate world, a degree in financial analysis is a vital more skill, even more important than engineering. The cutthroat competition is high and average degree flood the job market hence presenting no challenge. Thus, financial analyst tends to meet various market demands of in the corporate world. Be it a bank, university, financial analyst skills keep up with the constant changes and ever changing in the corporate world and constantly keeping the things up with the ever-increasing competition.


A treasurer is a watchdog or regulator position that caters to all facets of financial administration, operating closely with various members of administration board to protect a business enterprise’s finances. It is vital to take note of the fact that treasurers guarantee their financial responsibilities are reliable and not one can delegate their duties to other people.

 The main responsibilities of a treasurer pertains to each administration committee has its specific manner of carrying out activities and the style of working depends on certain skills, benefits or time allocation. Hence, managers must make sure the roles their treasurer plays matches the current trending with the market.

The key roles of treasurers preserve permanent records and keep track of money flowing in and any financial dealings taking place at a particular time. The treasurer chairs budgetary boards and makes yearly budgets for the implementation by the entire organization. On a daily basis, the treasurer ensures all finances paid or received are put under record. Even though huge firms have record keepers for some of the repetitive work, the treasury usually, monitors the bookkeeper’s information. In sizeable business with negligible financial activities, the treasurer may double as a bookkeeper inclusive of putting money in banks, and generating financial checks.

All in all, in terms of recording financial information, once per quarter, the treasurer also generates financial statements for the manager. Financial statement review a firm’s profits, losses, financial investments, and savings. A treasure should be able to manage figures and money, keep records in an orderly manner while developing a rational thinking while dealing with huge amounts of money. Therefore, between the two financial careers, a financial analyst is more important because he is able of formulating strategies and independently inform through compiling reports. In addition, a financial analyst takes his time and evaluates financial situations from a holistic perspective unlike treasurer who deals with record keeping mainly.





832 Words  3 Pages
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