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Nature webcam


Nature webcam


Nature webcams are group of webcams which shows a variety of geographical activities like landscapes, lakes, rivers and much more. They also include things like show garden and creature habitat. The technology of using webcam will be more visualized if there is sufficient technology. The effect of seeing nature by use of a webcam will influence or change certain behaviors. The research will focus on the effect of viewing nature through webcams by the public towards the use and installation of these webcams. We are going to identify and analyze the effect of users who have been able to view the nature through the webcam. The research will tell us about materials and information required to make these webcams perform effectively. We are also going to summarize the every goal separately. The research will use Aviary cam and penguin cam as an example of the webcam selected.


Aviary cam

Aviary cam shows the different type of birds and their habitat. There is also different kind of plants to explain more about the natural environment. It includes six different types of birds and four types of plant. Some are small in size and others are big in size. Some have long necks while others are small. The climatic condition seems to be very cold as the area is beside the sea (Aviary cam, 2016).

Penguin cam

 The penguin cam includes thirteen creatures who can survive in cold areas. The weather condition displayed by penguin webcam is very cold.  The penguin birds are adapted to water climates but they can still survive outside of water.


The biodiversity study incorporates description and analyzing the elements which give a specific pattern. According to the above webcams, the aviary cam shows different birds at their habitat. These birds some of them survive in dry land whereas are sea creature birds (Penguin cam, 2016). On the other side penguin cam is made up of one type of a bird which is penguin bird. The environment specifically directs the explanation of how this type of bird survives in their habitat.


Factor affecting biodiversity

  1. Population and carrying capacity.

The population is one of the things which influence diversity. In penguin cam, the penguin increase in the cage others are moving out to the ocean and on some situation, they move together in the colony. When they reach a certain number they relocate (Thuiller, 2007).

  1. Climatic change.

In the aviary cam, the bird is very few as compared to the environment. Considering their adaptation style the some of the bird looks distressed this can be as a result of a change of population.

  1. Exotic Species.

In the aviary cam, the green plants are insufficient food stuff to the birds who survive in that environment.

In penguin cam, we can describe penguin as the most similar to human being in character. These birds tend to understand each other as they raise their head when they feel good.

According to this ecosystem, we can be able to relate the sea seal as one of a creature who survives in a cold climate as same as some birds like a penguin. Sea seals are mammals found in the sea. Like the penguin, they stay in both soft land and sea. Seals have extra limbs to for better breathing as it has larger lungs. During the time of giving birth the sea seal breeds in outside water mostly on land with snow.  The body temperature of a sea seal is around 35 to 40 degrees.











Aviary cam. (2016). Retrieved 2016, from Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation:

Penguin cam. (2016). Retrieved 2016, from Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation:

Thuiller, W. (2007). Biodiversity: . Climate change and the ecologist. Nature, 550-552.



624 Words  2 Pages
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