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The island by the name Kaho’olawe is an island that basically focuses on both the culture and the political class and in most cases the military actions by the United States on the Hawaiian lands.  The vast productive but almost bare lands of the island presents numerous questions specifically the reasons why the United States wants to continue using these lands for military actions instead of leaving it for the Hawaiians (Bernier-Chen, 2016). Names have been given to the vegetations surrounding these chants as from the ancestors. One of signifies the guardian of the sea and land the other gives an indication of the skies where the ancestors rest and spread their will on the people below. Looking at the deep dark waters of the rivers, how they form a commotion is a clear indication of how angry the ancestors are due to the destruction of these lands with the regular bombing and lack of concern for the lands. The aged in these societies are fond of the past lands with their ancestors and recall how great the lands used to be different from what is experienced today. The hills on this island look so beautiful from the top and making it an attractive part of Hawaii (Kaho’olawe ‘Ohana, 2011). It looks like a recreational and a cultural place for the Hawaiians since shrines in the real sense are used to communicate to the gods.

Various tools from specific areas show how aged the lands are and typically the land should be used for cultural activities and not the bombing activities done on these lands. Women of various communities in these areas find peace and a sense of recognition on these shrines and therefore visit them occasionally for a consultant. The constant supplies of these rivers do not seem to be working on this part after the intrusion of the army (Bernier-Chen, 2016). When the waters are calm, this can be termed as a way in which the ancestors are preserving a revenge for the individuals responsible for the destruction. Before the introduction of the goats and other animals, the land was green and the vegetation presentable to man and its occupants. Green vegetation is very important since it gives a good indication that humanity can thrive on the lands and grow their generations forever. In every area where there is no vegetation, there is no hope on those lands and in most cases no major activities which take place on them as they are seen as barren regions. Looking at the lands after the invasion of the Europeans, the lands seem less attractive, the waters are drying up and the general population is becoming more and more diminished.

Destruction of the lands takes place just by introducing a single land enemy then there is no doubt that there will be problems. Over three centuries past now when the land was introduced to diverse human activities such as the cattle keeping, the green lands now became bare and so dry that the waters disappeared. Effects of overgrazing can clearly be identified from the scene as when one looks back at what the lands were not occupied with goats and cattle, there were beautiful sceneries but after introducing cattle keeping the vegetation became dry and almost dead. It is an activity that the world should listen and avoid (Bernier-Chen, 2016). After the destruction, using the little knowledge and rushing thing to make everything right worse always happens. The destructors have the ideology of the lands being saved by just adding more trees without regarding what type of a tree is being used and in this way, water catchment areas are lost and the water under is also consumed by the trees introduced. With this kind of destruction, some opportunist saw a way in which they could utilize these lands and make them battle fields.

Testing of bombs and targeting this area was now the order of the day with the communities living close to these locations feeling threatened by this occasional bomb dropping (Kaho’olawe ‘Ohana, 2011). This motherland being used as a battlefield communicated the lack of concern from the occupants and this causes a lot more issues to the community than the United States government. A land that was paradise to many, tourist visits and other great activities now turned into a source of danger for the world. The communities around are always the most affected as this impacts to their normal lives more than the army doing the bombing. Starting a family on areas occupied by military actions is the worst idea a parent can think of since the lifestyle the child will grow with is scary to even the child and this can impact on the future of the child (Bernier-Chen, 2016). Considering the testimonies by the community living in these areas, it is most clear that the side effects of such will be in their minds throughout their lives. It is good to fight for what is legal and what can help in determining the fate of the community. The military actions by the United States government on precious lands should be a forgotten idea and the need to preserve the lands should be a priority.











Bernier-Chen, E. (2016). Aloha ʻĀina: The United States Military and Its Controversial Use of Hawaiian Land.

Kaho’olawe ‘Ohana, (2011). Kaho’olawe Aloha ‘Aina. Retrieved from:       

897 Words  3 Pages
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