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Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma

            Hurricane Irma has been recorded as the strongest storm on record to exist in the open Atlantic region. The Hurricane was formed on August 30th, 2017 and dissipated on September 13,2017.  Hurricane Irma left a trail of destruction in the Caribbean where it killed at least 37 people.  The storm moved up through Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina where it killed at least 12 people. It is estimated that the hurricane affected an estimated number of 1.2 million people. The Caribbean islands suffered much of the damage where the storm left Barbuda nearly inhabitable. In the US Miami and Jacksonville suffered from flooding and were left without power. Another impact of the hurricane were the torrential rains that took place in Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina (Issa, Ramadugu, Mulay, Hamilton, Siegel, Harrison, & Boehmer, 2018).

            The local, states and federal government responded to the impact of this hurricane with equal enthusiasm. The federal government, state and local governments in conjunction to the US department of Homeland security worked together in the efforts to address the immediate needs of the survivors.  The Effort of these three is supported by the visit made by president Donald J. Trump to Florida in order to meet with governor Rick Scott and the survivors, the president was joined by Vice president Mike Pence and Elaine Duke who was the acting secretary of Homeland security. Federal, states and local elected officials also joined the president in his visit (Willison, Singer, Creary, & Greer, 2019). This visit shows well enough that the local, states and federal government joined efforts in order to deal with the impact of the hurricane. Efforts provided by the National response framework included, searches that were done in the Caribbean and the US mainland by Urban Search & Rescue which saved lots of lives, the department of energy worked to restore power in the areas that had been left without power and federal efforts that included bringing the American Red Cross on board to focus on the safety of the victims, food, and shelter. These efforts were suitable in dealing with the disaster that has been brought around by Irma.



















Willison, C. E., Singer, P. M., Creary, M. S., & Greer, S. L. (2019). Quantifying inequities in US             federal response to hurricane disaster in Texas and Florida compared with Puerto Rico. BMJ global health4(1), e001191.

Issa, A., Ramadugu, K., Mulay, P., Hamilton, J., Siegel, V., Harrison, C., ... & Boehmer, T.          (2018). Deaths Related to Hurricane Irma—Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina, September 4–October 10, 2017. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report67(30), 829.


434 Words  1 Pages
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