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Africa's biggest windfarm sparks controversy in the desert

Africa's biggest windfarm sparks controversy in the desert

The article analyzes how morocco has come up with the named biggest windfarm in Africa as one way of getting clean energy. The windfarm was just built in two years and has over 131 wind turbines which generate energy that serves masses of people. The renewable energy project has however faced some challenges from the Saharawi people who believe that the project will deprive them off their land (Neslen, 1). This green technology has ensured a reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide not only in Tarfaya but globally as well. Educated Saharawi people have been employed in the windfarm thus their living standards improve as a result of this green technology. This Tarfaya plant has ensured that the village remains developed through employment and electricity supply in all the villages (Neslen, 1). This plant will ensure that energy is exported to countries such as Europe though Saharawi people are against the export which is a big challenge. This green technology as environmentalists suggest will ensure that climate change is mitigated since wind from the Sahara desert will now be a useful source of electricity.

I think that this green technology will ensure that climate is mitigated thus will be useful in ensuring the environment is conserved. This technology is of great help to the people since through employment their living standards will be improved. In addition electricity generated will ensure that the Saharawi people remained developed unlike before where they lived without electricity. The green technology will ensure the environment remain conserved since environmental pollution is a bid challenge globally. Through export of this energy to other countries morocco will earn foreign exchange and this will ensure the country stabilizes in its economy. This green technology is useful thus Saharawi people should not reject it. Political leaders should therefore convince their citizens to accept the green technology since it is benefiting them. Therefore this green technology will ensure that not only electricity reaches the people but other benefits such as better health and education services.

Work cited

Neslen, Arthur Africa’s biggest windfarm sparks controversy in the desert (2016) Retrieved from

362 Words  1 Pages
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