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Internet addiction

Internet addiction

The use if the internet can be as addictive as drugs and alcohol if it is used excessively and it can manifest itself in various forms.  Some people may become attached emotionally to online activities, where they use a virtual perception of the world to connect with others and substituting it with a real human connection. A person who suffers from internet addiction is unable to connect with other humans in a normal way which makes them turn to online activities and friends.  Though few studies have been conducted on the overuse of internet especially among the adolescents, it is evident that there are people who are always on their personal computers or smartphones browsing on social media and online sites so much that the habit affects their normal operations. Among the many activities that young people engage in is online gaming which robs them of important time to do normal chores, study or even actual interaction with other people.  These people develop some severe problems related to gaming like staying up late into the night or spending the whole day gaming and the end results are poor performance at socially, at schools and at workplaces.

Many people ignore the warning signs of this addiction such as being preoccupied with the internet, spending a lot of time on the internet so as to be satisfied and the fruitless efforts to control, cut back or abandon the use of the internet. These people ignore such signs even after seeing that the habit is undermining or risking the loss of important educational opportunities, important relationships, and even jobs. They try in vain to control the habit without any success which can lead to frustrations, irritability and even feeling restless afterward. The person feels that they are not at ease whenever they have not engaged in online gaming or other activities and this represents a huge problem to their wellbeing. Moreover, such a person may turn to the internet with an aim of escaping their problems or reliving an unpleasant mood such as anxiety or sadness (Young & Abreu, 2011). The habit becomes destructive to the individual and to make the matter worse the can lie to therapist or family members about the problem so as to hide the extent of the internet involvement. The person loses their sense of self-control and allows the online activities to control their mood, behavior and even social life.

The problem of internet addiction has various negative consequences which relate to their education, career, and social life.  BY spending most of their times online, the individuals fail to undertake studies research which leads to low academic and professional performance. Others are unable to go to work on time or they cannot dully perform in tasks allocated to them leading to job loss and hence, their career suffers. In addition, people suffering from internet addiction end up having impaired relationships in real life given that they spend most of their time in seclusion (Young & Abreu, 2011). By spending more time on their own especially those close to them, they are perceived to be socially awkward. This may lead to low self-esteem as they are likely to feel inadequate, or feeling disapproved by the society. However, all is not lost since the behavior can be rectified just like any other learnt habit. After recognizing the problem, a visit to a therapist or certified counselor can assist in reversing the condition.


Young, K. S., & Abreu, C. N. (2011). Internet addiction: A handbook and guide to evaluation and treatment. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons. 27-30

601 Words  2 Pages
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