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American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is a 32 standard unit used for coding various characters in high-tech devices (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 34).


The INTERNET is a Standard widespread interlinkages formed when various institutions combine communications systems that enable universal connectivity and transfer of information via standardized procedures (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 100).


WORLD WIDE WEB is a data space accessible via internet. The system configures document into HyperText Markup Language (HTML), which enables connectivity around the globe (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 45).


 HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a procedural application that distributes, dictates commands, facilitates, and formats electronically shared information on the internet (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 67).


Binary Digit (BITS) is a tiny unit used for quantifying data in a computer. Digits of the measuring element run from zero to two (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 87).


BYTES are single components of digital data (Laudon, & Jane, 89).



 Modulator- demodulator (MODEM) is a hardware that provides another device with internet (Laudon, & Jane, 99).


Random Access Memory (RAM) is inserted in the motherboard of a computer system. Every running application or program initiates from the hard drive and into the RAM (Laudon, & Jane, 120).


Read Only Memory (ROM) is a device that Stores hardwired set of commands that start programs before synchronizing software details (Laudon, & Jane, 39).


Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the center that controls commands, information flow, and processing of data (Laudon, & Jane, 123).


Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is a system that allows connectivity of electronic devices despite of long distance. Hence, it facilitates sending to people living in distant countries (Laudon, & Jane, 25).




Local Area Network (LAN) is a grid formed when computers and other internet devices link within the same vicinity.

Wide Area Network (WAN) is grid but  does not link computers based on location but may confine itself within the borders of a county or a country (Laudon, & Jane, 27).


ETHERNET is a traditional way of connecting LANs through wires, which would in turn enable communication by developing a common language (Laudon, & Jane, 29).




Domain Name System (DNS) is a naming system used for identification of various internet domains. It translates domains into usable internet resource (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 18).


Uniform Resource locator (URL) connects and identifies any resources associated with a web. It enables access to a link (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 33).


HyperText Markup Language (HTML) contains all the commands in form of text. The texts describe structuring and format of content in a web page, which guides a web user (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 110).


 BROWSER is an application through which an internet user accesses websites (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 115).



COMPILER converts a set of commands into readable and actionable texts (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 22).


OPERATING SYSTEM is a support structure responsible for executing primary functions such as scheduling (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 37).


 SERVER is a gateway program that enables a user accesses other programs and their functionalities (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 91).


DATA is not yet processed information or analyzed into useful information by a computer (Laudon, & Jane, 17).



INFORMATION is processed data useful to a computer. Normally arranged in a certain pattern (Laudon, & Jane, 35).


STORAGE is a technique used to safeguard data in case of a power disruption or system failure. The computer retains the information (Laudon, & Jane, 16).


 SYNTAX CHECKING is a software that runs a check up on language coding of other programs (Laudon, & Jane, 13).


INTRANET is a privatized network owned by a business enterprise. It has leased WAN and multiple connectivity (Laudon, & Jane, 10).


ASSEMBLY is a simple coding method connects its programs with a computer user’s design hence improving correspondence (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 60).


CTBERETHICS are set of rules that developers should adhere to as they innovate and come up with better technologies. Cyber ethics shows the relationship between information systems and humanity, which in turn dictates what one can do and cannot do (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 51).


Selling and buying products via the internet. As long, there is an exchange of money via the internet; ecommerce took place (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 23).



Management Information System (MIS) is composed of both hard and software elements that support an organization’s functionalities. It gathers and internalizes information that later helps in managing and decision-making (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 12).


EXTRANET is a private network enabled by internet facilities and telecommunicating devices for sharing an enterprise’s information and functionalities (Hashem, Ibrahim, et al, 34).














Works cited


Hashem, Ibrahim Abaker Targio, et al. "The rise of “big data” on cloud computing: Review and open research issues." Information Systems 47 (2015): 98-115.

Laudon, Kenneth C., and Jane P. Laudon. Management information system. Pearson Education India, 2016.



















831 Words  3 Pages
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