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Different Topologies

            Different Topologies

In regard to communication, topologies can be described as the graphic representation of network arrangements which involves connecting lines as well as nodes. Topologies hold two different ways used in providing geometry network's description (Morley, 268). This, therefore, involves both logical and physical topology.  Topologic is the general geometric arrangement of networks which demonstrates the distinct way on the interconnection that exists between computers.

Logical topology refers to the conceptual network explanation and physical topology demonstrates the physical networks installation.  In other words, the logical topology can be termed as a diagram that is used to show data logical flow (Kandel, 65).  Topology is used to demonstrate the mode in which the waves of any network connect to distinct computers within the given network.  Physical topology is utilized in the provision of a description of the physical computers cables connection through the given network. This layout of the network is physically visible as it requires physical plugging (Kandel, 66).

Different topologies networks are utilizing several networks which mainly include ring, wireless, bus and star networks.   Bus topology is the easiest kind of topology as the networks local processors holds a similar channel of communication. The computer networks connections in this kind of topology are linked to a T connection (Morley, 270).  It, therefore, requires fewer efforts in installation. However, bus topology seems to be a disadvantage because it poses challenges when trying to establish issues and it cannot, therefore, be utilized by many users.  The star topology is a network which connects all the computer consumers to the main star topology. This implies that all the computers are directly linked to the network saver. The network type is expensive as it necessitates more cables to be utilized.

Ring topology connects local processor of the computer in the network ring on equal of more bases.  This kind of network is associated with less cost and it is widely used because it is characterized by reliability.  This is mainly because the breakdown of the network in a single computer does not affect the operation of the other.  Wireless topology is a logical kind as it is used to show the interaction and connection of computers that are within a certain network. This, therefore, does not show any physical connection as cables connection is not required (Peterson, Larry, and Bruce, 24).





Work Cited

            Kandel, Abraham. Applied Graph Theory in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Berlin: Springer, 2007. Print.

            Morley, Deborah, and Charles S. Parker. Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow. , 2015. Print.

            Peterson, Larry L, and Bruce S. Davie. Computer Networks: A Systems Approach. Burlington: Elsevier Science, 2011. Internet resource.

438 Words  1 Pages
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