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Man stabs two at a bus stop after asking them if they're Muslim

National security

Man stabs two at a bus stop after asking them if they're Muslim

                        The parties involved in this incident are two non Muslim people who were standing at a suburban bus stop outside of Detroit. They engaged into a conversation with their attacker who asked them if they were Muslim. They said no and that is the reason the attacker stabbed them with a knife. The attacker was a thirty nine year old named Lavaron Thomas. This incident took place on a Saturday night and the attacker was not happy to hear that the victims were not Muslims. There was no provocation and Thomas got out a three inch folding knife and stabbed them. The victims are at the age of fifty and one of them was injured five times during the attack. The other victim was attacked in the hand while he tried to defend himself and his friend. They were later discharged from the hospital with no serious injuries. The attacker then went out of the scene but was later arrested after some minutes. He was caught carrying two knives where one of them seemed to be used during the attack. The police report showed that the attacker was also in possession of marijuana.

The motive of the attacker was to kill non Muslims because he was not happy with the answer given by the two while he asked whether they were Muslims. The attacker was a Muslim himself and that is the reason why he hated non Muslims and committed a hate crime. The attacker was arrested and charged with two types of assault related to murder. This is because he was found carrying a knife which is a dangerous weapon and an illegal substance which is Marijuana. These are all state charges and he could face ethnic terrorization. The county prosecutors were still discussing whether it would be included or not. Magistrate Daman released him with a bond of a million dollars. This is according to Free Press at Detroit Who also reported that a preliminary examination was scheduled for the fourth of March. The law of hate crimes in Michigan states that ethnic terrorization is a criminal act. According to this report Thomas attacked the two non Muslims cruelly with specific intention to harass them due to their religion. The FBI has been informed about this and they are investigating it and considering it as a potential hate crime. They are looking into it to determine whether federal charges are justified.  

            The results of this incident were obtained by talking to the eye witnesses who witnessed the incident.  The incident was reported immediately and the police responded as fast as they could and caught him minutes later. Erick Hawkins who is a police chief at south field was the one who investigated the matter. The police chief speculated that the attacker was not happy that the victims were not Muslims as he identified himself as a Muslim. The victims were also interrogated in order for them to help the police with investigating the crime. They were able to talk about what transpired between them that led to the attack. This was a hate crime that was only based on discrimination in terms of religion because the three men did not know one another. The result of this is that the suspect was arrested a few blocks away and there were indications that he was later confused. This was a report that was brought by the officers which brings out the question of his steadiness. This was reported by Chief Hawkins who was in charge f conducting the investigations.

            In conclusion, this matter should have been considered a very serious crime because the lives of two innocent people were at stake. The suspect should not have been offered a bond of a million dollars but should instead be incarcerated. This is because releasing him is endangering the lives of other non Muslims who are innocent. The suspect may repeat the same crime and hurt a lot of other people because he did not learn his lesson. I also think that such people who practice hate crime should face a life imprisonment in order to for them to learn a lesson. This would also discourage the people who intend to practice the same crime. The FBI should also intervene and investigate this matter immediately to impose the right the right charges. Such suspects should not be allowed to live with other people because they are a threat to human beings. I feel that the whole Muslim religion should be investigated for them to explain the reason why such cases are common. They should understand that they do not have the right to take the life of any innocent human being simply because they do not belong to their religion. They should understand that everybody has the right to live and only God has the right to take away the life of a human being.











833 Words  3 Pages
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