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Special Topics in Logistics

Special Topics in Logistics

            The chances that designing, developing, and implementing an organization system for customer relation management gives to the organization is that it helps the company’s use technology in its business so as to become known by the customers and for them to know the value of those customers.  The systems help the organization in giving out better services and the products that are based on the customer’s gratification. This also helps in giving the better service to the customers as it simplifies the marketing and the process of selling the products.  The system also benefits the organization as they focuses on both their opportunities and those of the customers.  These needs are that the organization needs to make profit so as to advance while the customers require good services under a good price.  This system is new to the organization and it needs the effort of the manger so as to make the system more productive.  The opportunities that the system gives to the organization are that it is purposed to increase profit.  It does not only improve its services to the customers but it has the highest chances of reducing costs (Kincaid, 2003). 

            The system mainly opens the communication lines with the customers as it gives an endless market response to the products and the services of the organization. This also helps in advancing the business as it also maintains the organization’s customers and makes it easier for the flow of the organizational services where the parties work more effectively.  As the customers wish to have cost effective products and services that also benefits them, the system is known to be one of the extent of many suppliers. Customers want their needs to become gratified and the system is a new organizational approach that keeps a deep connection with the organization and the customer.  This system mainly satisfies the needs of the customers, the other partners and the system that is based across the organization.  The system should improve the customers’ expectations by increasing their gratification and also the credibility of its products.  The system allows direct communication to be direct with the proper audience thus it allows facilitates the feedback of the customer (Kincaid, 2003). 

            The system can give a significant benefit to the user of it but there are also hindrances that hinder the user from fully using the system. The main challenges include that the system contains huge and complicated information and this makes it hard to understand.  In addition, a border is complex in understanding and can hinder the effectiveness of the system causing its users to opt in which system areas they will use.  The huge implication creates many challenges as only a few parts in the system do not function properly.  The increased use of the system has caused the wide shift in organizations in assessing the manufacturer of the designing and maintaining the system.  Thus the organization should focus on the consequences of the system and the possible harm of its use.  Intricacy of the system is a main challenge.  The devices of the system can be sometimes complicated mainly in the huge organizations. These devices were used in the organizations in assessing and maintaining of customer connections and communications. The system has increased the business dealings with tracking, terrorists and the business sales.  This has also created the customer integration with the business workings (Parthasarathy, 2010). 

            The poor use of the system has also been a challenge.  This is another complex issue in the customer relationship with the organization. Customers lack the patience to work on unlimited time for their safety thus there is the higher expectations that the poor use of the systems will be instinctive.  The instinctive design will make the most effective effect in producing the approach in customer connection and the organization.  The increased skills and the challenges in the system have reduced the user ability of the customer –organization relation.  Destruction is another challenge that is within the systems.  If the systems stays disunited they can result in causing separate processes that are not functioning.  This decreases the organizational profits that are connected to the customer- management relation as the companies sometimes opt to use all the features in the system when having their investments.   Business standing is also an increased challenge in the organizations that is caused by the system. Some of the developments and the changes have made companies to be more focused in the cycle of life in the customer connection with the system.  This makes the organization have the challenge of producing more benefits from its products (Parthasarathy, 2010). 

            Poor system usage and the low usage of it make the companies to have a complex investment in the system without more gains. The system is also challenged with security on the developing system which has been an imbalance in the system and its security measures concepts.  The organizations using the system expect to have an ease with the customers while the other information remains secured. The balancing here is more complex as many organizations have the notion in those benefits of the security in the system is produced by the usage of the system.   Lack of efficient customer service and aid is also a challenge in the organization. The knowledge that service is an essential feature in the retention of customers in many organizations is important as many organizations are turning to the system so as to help them increase the customers’ relations in the aim of increasing efficiency and reducing costs (Parthasarathy,201 0).

            The system will help in the retention of the customers as it helps in creation of a culture based on the customer in the organization.  The system is more effective as they give the information that is used by the companies.  The performance of the organization adds more customers as their performance based on the success of the organization is the start of becoming aware of how essential the organization is functioning.  This means that based on the system, the organization should understand its weaker and strong points and where it needs to change. Creation of communication plans is tom make the staff more informed about the changes in the system that may alternate how the business operates where it will also need their involvement.  Keeping the staff informed about the system brings in their huge commitment with the organization.  The system is used by the organization and need to be advanced depending on the size of the organization and the customers involved.  The current economy is however alternating through technologies and the global partnership and the involve customers that make the implementation of the system.  Organizations that retain their partnership must take advantage of the new chances made up by the system and overcome the business challenges (Galbraith, 2013).   











Galbraith, J. R. (2013). Designing the customer-centric organization: A guide to strategy, structure, and process. San Francisco, Calif: Jossey-Bass.

Kincaid, J. W. (2003). Customer relationship management: Getting it right!. Upper Saddle River, NJ [u.a.: Prentice Hall PTR.

Parthasarathy, S. (2010). Enterprise information systems and implementing IT infrastructures: Challenges and issues. Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.


1194 Words  4 Pages
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