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Future Leader Experiences and Psychological Theories and Leadership

Future Leader Experiences and Psychological Theories and Leadership

Effective competencies are a significant element for future leadership. For business to operate smoothly and enjoy the competitive advantage in the global market, it requires competent leaders who will ensure there is a superior performance in the business.  Future leaders must have the organizational skills of managing change, solving problems, planning goals and enhancing business knowledge. Competency an important factor for future leaders so that they can be able to enter in the global word and meet the global demand. Thus, future leaders must have the global mindset, understand culture diversity and have the skills on cross-culture communication. These traits will help the leaders in developing strategies on global business, develop opportunities, think strategically and enhance future growth.  Relationship is also an essential element for future leaders. The key role of the leaders is to guide and lead organization members. Thus, there must be a relationship between leaders and people so that they can communicate effective, motivate, inspire, share values and achieve the goals. In order to ensure relationship, future leaders must have transformational skills on leadership. This means that they must be charismatic, intellectual and inspirational. Finally, future leaders must have the learning capability. As a result of technological changes, future leaders must be driven by extrinsic factors. This means that leaders must have the ability to enhance business growth, be an innovator, be a global collaborator and bring organization transformation.  These essential qualities will help the leaders in moving the business forward effectively.

Behaviorism theory is applied in organization to explain the behavior of leaders. The theory is based on the psychological approach in controlling behavior (Silzer & Dowell, 2009). It explains leaders are able to make decision without involving other organization members, leaders may also allow team members to contribute their ideas before creating decision and leader may allow capable team members to make decision. The theory can be applied in the organization through the act of shaping behavior. Leaders can change the behavior through understanding the behaviors of workers. They can reward, encourage and motivate workers to continue with positive behaviors. Shaping behavior is a strategic way of influencing performance and maintaining workers within the organization (Silzer & Dowell, 2009).






















Silzer, R., & Dowell, B. E. (2009). Strategy-Driven Talent Management: A Leadership Imperative. New

York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

393 Words  1 Pages
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