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Achieve model

Leadership Management Skills

Question One

The achieve model is an effective management of performance framework that integrates a number of managerial concepts. In today’s contemporary society organizations have the capability to gain competitive positioning via the use of human resources by ensuring that the respective members possess the required skills are motivated suitably (Chen, 2005). The management of individuals to enhance performance can result in significant outcomes.  A common issue that happens during the management procedure is that most managers tend to be skillful in communicating to the staffs on the existing performance issues but they fail in facilitating the process of determining the root causes of these issues. In short, most managers are effective in the identification of issues but weaker when it comes to diagnosis of the issues (Chen, 2005). the achieve model is objected at offering guidance to managers in the determination of why some performance issues might have occurred which then results in the development of change approaches such as corporate development that are objected at solving these issues (Chen, 2005).

The Achieve model of performance classifies seven features that are related to performance management which includes, ability, motivation, company’s support, responses, validity or dependability, understanding and the surrounding. The use of the achieve model is essential in evaluating the manner in which all the factors might impact the possible performance (Northouse, 2013). Ability is a feature that incorporates the knowledge and the relevant skills possessed by staffs while clarity is a description of how the job is understood. With motivation and the will then satisfaction is achieved which in turn results in increased performance which might not be acquired without adequate support from the organization. Most performance issues can be caused by the absence of validity, support, motivation, will and the appropriate coaching and performance feedback (Northouse, 2013). This, therefore, implies that evaluation involves communicating the existence of these performance issues and the cause of their existence to enhance the capability of developing viable solutions.

In my opinion, I believe that the two prime forces that my supervisor utilizes in the performance issues evaluation are ability and clarity. This refers to the general knowledge as well as competence that each student possesses and understanding which primarily plays part in perception and will. Understanding how a certain task should be accomplished is not all given that efficiency is acquired with the acceptance of doing the given role in alignment with the set goals.

Question Two

Trait leadership approach refers to the incorporated arrangements of an individual’s characteristics that directly reflects a range of distinctions while fostering leadership effectiveness consistency across different situations and groups (Northouse, 2013). Some traits that demonstrate a particularly strong relation in regard to leaderships includes integrity, intelligence, self-esteem, transparency, consciousness, and flexibility (Northouse, 2013). Besides being social one must be agreeable with the capability to tolerate as well as being tolerated by others. Intelligence refers to the capability of solving issues with critical thoughts and minding of the possible outcomes and the general effects on the involved persons. Confidence is essential while expressing thoughts or ideas given that it creates a sense of care and effectiveness on the followers (Winkler, 2010).

My strength lies in the intelligence feature. In that my general cognitive capability is particularly high which is mainly driven by my high social skills, flexibility, emotional control as well as self-motivation. I believe that I am intelligent because I am creative and always open to developing and structuring new thoughts particularly in the presence of challenges. In addition, I am a reliable, organized and a goal oriented individual who never stops at anything until I have achieved. However, my weaknesses are low self-esteem. Even with the ability to develop fresh and innovative thoughts, it is usually challenging to propose or expressive my feelings or thoughts based on rejection fear. This weakness can best be improved by focusing on positivity rather than negativism gave that one should never be afraid to acquire disappointments while learning.






Chen, H. (2005). Cooperative Performance: Factors affecting the performance of international technological cooperation. Boca Raton:

Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Winkler, I. (2010). Contemporary leadership theories: Enhancing the understanding of the complexity, subjectivity and dynamic of leadership. Berlin: Springer.

712 Words  2 Pages
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