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Management Effectiveness versus Leadership Effectiveness

Management Effectiveness versus Leadership Effectiveness

 First, it is important to understand the difference between a leaders and a manager. A leader is a person who has a personal power which aids in motivating a group to follow the right direction while a manager is a person who has a positional power to control people by creating policies and procedures for achieving goals (Moyles, 2006). To achieve effective management, managers act as role models by performing organizational activities in an efficient manner. Managers apply their intelligent and imaginative skills on organization activities in order to achieve success. Effective managers know how to manage time, they are goal oriented –meaning that they are interesting on positive results rather than the completion of task. By showing superiority and acting as a role model, they empower the members to improve performance (Moyles, 2006).. Effective management is achieved through strategic decisions and effective managers conduct a systematic analysis which enables them understands the organizational need.  Management effectiveness is achieved through planning, organizing, solving problems and personal contribution to produce positive results such as market share (Moyles, 2006)..

  On the other hand, leaders motivate people to achieve the set goals. Leaders engage in a persuasive process and ensure that through motivation, there will be an organization success.  Effective leaders are expected to set direction, create vision, lead with empathy and integrity, bring change and make decision (Moyles, 2006). Leaders foresee the future and find a better way forward.  By having the need to implement change, it means that they are ready to take risk while trying new things. Since change is inevitable in modern world, effective leadership is achieved by building and maintain relationship, loyalty and trust. Generally, effective leaders create vision and mission, they have an influencing power, they are charismatic, decisive and they are able to maintain a positive relationship (Moyles, 2006).

Discuss Successful Leadership versus Effective Leadership

 An important point to note is that it is better to have an effective leader than a successful leader. This is because; a leader is referred as successful because of his power and wealth.  In other words, a successful leader is defined by power and close supervision, and such a leader is interested in task completion but he or she does not act as a mentor (Adeniyi, 2007). In other words, successful leaders expect members to behave in the right manner but their needs are not met. Other important point about success leaders is that they are bureaucrat and this means that employees do not get innovation and creativity opportunities and they end up increasing turnover rate due to less satisfaction (Adeniyi, 2007). They have an exploitative power which enables them to ignore members’ weaknesses and they are interested with task completion not for organization success but for self-serving purposes. On the other hand, effective leadership is the ability to develop long-term benefits to subordinates and they lead with loyalty, trust and empathy (Adeniyi, 2007). Effective leaders are cooperative, integrator and influential.  Unlike successful leaders who lead because of position power, effective leaders are goal orientated and they   are interested in motivating members to achieve common goals. In addition, effective leaders are passionate, make decision together and they make a difference.

What determines Organizational Effectiveness?

Organization effectiveness is when an organization is able to use the available resources to achieve goals and success. Organization leader, managers and members are expected to make contributions and be unified in order to achieve effectiveness. Effectiveness is determined by the level of technology- technology play a fundamental role in operations and it improves productivity and output (Adeniyi, 2007). Second is employee knowledge- employees with experience and high level of knowledge increases performance and productivity hence achieves effectiveness. Unique skills play role not only in productivity but also in effectiveness. Third, effectiveness is determined by financial strength- company’s liquidity, solvency, profitability and efficiency will find a strong financial position and increase effectiveness. Fourth is employee and customer satisfaction-the ability to meet employees and customers demand will increase satisfaction hence develop effectiveness (Adeniyi, 2007).





Adeniyi, M. A. (2007). Effective leadership management: An integration of styles, skills & character for

today's CEOs. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse.


Moyles, J. R. (2006). Effective leadership and management in the early years. Maidenhead: Open

University Press.



709 Words  2 Pages
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