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Being effective does not necessitate the provision of rewards or special knowledge and training. Effectiveness is an aspect that can be learned. Effectiveness is best acquired by practicing effectiveness as a habit (Drucker, 2004). Effective executives differ highly in reference to their strengths, personalities, and principles but the thing that they hold in common is the fact that they ensure that all the right things have been accomplished. Harry Truman, for example, is considered to be among the most effective executives in the American history because he clearly understood all that was to be accomplished and made all decisions based on appropriate considerations. His effective executive behavior occurred during his term as the American president in 1945 during the Second World War era (Drucker, 2004). As soon as he established the executive priority such as foreign affairs he organized his working days to fit within the schedule of handling foreign issues.

As a result of Harry Truman, he was the most effective president in regard to handling foreign affairs issues in America (Drucker, 2004). His practices resulted in desirable economic and political impact for the nation as he created a favorable surrounding for foreign relations and increased investments. This did not only trigger economic development but also people began to recognize the fact that his personality and focus on realizing governorship priorities were different. Truman was only objected at fulfilling his duties given that he understood that the priorities of the government lied on enhancing the socio-economic and political grounds for the betterment of the nation which led to the rise of a more founded society. His practices improved the livelihood of the society in general because he understood what was best for the country and developed effective actions plans while taking responsibility for his decisions (Drucker, 2004).



Peter F. Drucker. (2004). What Makes an Effective Executive. Retrieved from

313 Words  1 Pages
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