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Cohesiveness is factor that influences the whole dynamism of a team. Cohesiveness between team members builds commitment and the motivation required to achieve the objectives of the team. Cohesion takes a toll on the manner in which group members treat one another and get along. A highly cohesive team is more dynamic and works effectively together toward the objectives of the team (Wheelan, 2016).

Communication is tool that transmits signals within the team. A team’s strategy and goals are only achievable if the members communicate effectively with one another. The ability to move together as one team depends on the interpretation and understanding of the intention of the group. Therefore, a team with good communication skills is more likely to be more effective and dynamic than a team with no effective communication (Wheelan, 2016).

Group thinking

The capability to think or integrate thoughts makes the team to suppress unnecessary divergent thoughts and move as one force to achieve one goal and beat the time limit. This can only occur due to intentional desire to achieve the main goal (Wheelan, 2016).


Team dynamic boils down to relationships and attitude of group members among themselves. The relationships and reaction toward roles and duty affect behavior, which in turn metamorphoses into the group results. Relationship between team members affects work culture. A good relationship shapes work ethic and input within a group. Therefore, effectiveness within a group and output is molded by the behavior, reaction, and attitudes of team members (Levi,2011).


Generally, humans are social beings. Team skills and dynamics cut across the board, from social personal life to professional field. To be able to interact and network with other people needs decorum, respect courtesy and good communication.

















Wheelan, S. A. (2016). Creating effective teams: A guide for members and leaders.Los Angeles: SAGE.

Levi, D. (2011). Group dynamics for teams. Los Angeles: SAGE.

316 Words  1 Pages
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