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Monitoring employees

Question One

I believe the issue of whether employees should be allowed to use their work computers and internet access to complete personal tasks has no definite answer, since allowing them will show that the company trusts their employees and also allowing them could cause a decrease in employee’s productivity.  If it is alright to perform personal tasks at work, no amount of time can be set, however, it is advisable to ensure that the time is compensated.  In my opinion, college student’s internet usage should not be monitored; however, institutions should keep records of computer and internet usage.

Question Two

 I believe the double standards implemented with a focus on monitoring employees' internet activity is fair, what employees do with personal gadgets is private and cannot be subject to monitoring. Monitoring employees’ internet activity and computer usage are legally allowed. This can be conducted under circumstances to include when the employer wants to reduce the misuse of electronic media which can put the organization at risk of breaching data security.  When monitoring employees’ internet and computer usage the employer should respect the privacy of the employee.


187 Words  1 Pages
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