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You are a real management consultant who is being paid to do an investigation and produce a report with recommendations to the CEO. You need to do several things in order to present your recommendations.

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Paper Instructions:

You are a real management consultant who is being paid to do an investigation and produce a report with recommendations to the CEO.
You need to do several things in order to present your recommendations. 

Present to the CEO your
1. method of analysis of the problems (i.e. your approach)
2. present your view on what is actually going on, based on your analysis. 

In your “approach” to the assignment, you need to mention, briefly, who you interviewed and the results. 

The findings should, in very clear but BRIEF terms, be in relation to the organisational culture, and also the issues about power/influence, especially in relation to the HR manager. On the basis of these findings, you need to analyse the information you have collected, and then you need to shape the recommendations to provide to the CEO on how to improve the situation and change the culture.

The Business Case must focus on the desired outcomes (what needs to be achieved). The business case is a description of what you proposed, what it will cost, compared to the benefits it will yield. The costs associated with your business case does not need to be accurate; you can use your imagination and make some assumptions here. Important point: you should include the business case as an appendix. You talk about the business case in the body of the assignment but the detailed information (the change process, the cost and benefit) should be included as an appendix.

258 Words  1 Pages
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