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lean manufacturing

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Students will be expected to select a Lean Manufacturing topic and a related article from a current industry periodical (topic to be approved by the instructor by the 3rd class period).  Students will then write a two-page paper, which summarizes and analyzes the article, illustrating the student's understanding of the topic.  The intent of this project is to familiarize the student with industry periodicals, give exposure to current topics, and provide a wide range of experience/applications, as well as further technical writing development.  The article papers should comprise the following items:

-    Summarize the article.  Demonstrate the “real-life” example. Pass on the experience/application. 
-    Summary of the topic.  Use some specifics in order to pass on the “lesson” to be learned from the article.  Illustrate the Lean topic.
-    Analysis of the article.  Analyze the article as to how the topic is being used.  Include your thoughts, recommendations, and conclusions.  Illustrate your understanding of the topic.  

Grading will be based on the quality of the paper.  Things I will be looking for:

-    Good use of technical writing skills.  
-    Thoroughness of understanding.
-    Analysis and recommendations.

-    Two pages of typewritten text.
-    12 pt font, Times New Roman.
-    Double-spaced.
-    Cover page with pertinent information.
-    Appropriate references and bibliography (giving proper credit).

228 Words  1 Pages
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