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Physical exercise and it impact to psychology


            This paper will summarize article “physical exercise and it impact to psychology” written by Trevor Archer. This article was published in January 2016. This paper will discuss the multi-dimensional impact of physical exercise on behavioral science and psychology at large.

            The impact of physical exercise is linked within four welfare domains; the first is exercise and cognitive performances, secondly, exercise and developmental trajectory, thirdly, exercise in alleviating disorders, and then, epigenetic sign of exercise. The impact of exercise can be determined within a few weeks of the exercise (Arther, 2016). For example, for an athlete undergoing physical exercise, improvements will be observed on physical fitness, body composition, isokinetic strength and anaerobic capacity. Compliance with regular physical exercise, results in to psychological well-being in various domains of life such as, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, epigenetic, and so forth. Consequently, physical exercise is known as a remedy to in fighting against illnesses and other damages such as clinical depression, developmental disorders, traumatic brain injury and aging. Physical exercises help to shape such conditions hence reconstruction (Arther, 2016). Additionally, a regularly exercising individual exhibits less behavioral and physiological responses to stressful provocation and can recover quickly from such provocations compared to sedentary individuals. Thus, studies from cognitive domains emphasize the necessity of physical exercise.

            Research indicates that physical exercise prevented long-term and short-term shortages in aversive, memory performance and stress damage that occurs as a result of deprivation schedule. In older adults, physical exercise has helped to reduce symptoms of depression, hence improving executive functioning

            It can therefore be concluded that the impact of physical exercise is evident in a number of domains of life, including psychological well-being, memory performance, mental disorders, aging problems, and so forth.


Arther T (2016). Physical Exercise and its Impact on Psychology. Published Date: January 10, 2016

300 Words  1 Pages
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