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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

There are 2 questions so respond in 2 different paragraphs 

question 1 : The Bialystok paper provides a comprehensive and scholarly discussion of bilingualism.  The TedEd video (see the link in your syllabus if you haven't watched it yet) provides a much briefer review that covers much of the same territory.  These items (the video and the article) are intended for different audiences.  Do you think that they are basically SAYING THE SAME THING but doing so IN A DIFFERENT WAY?  Or do you think that there are points where the article and the video really DISAGREE with each other?  Support your answer with some evidence.      

question 2:One of the major controversies in the literature on bilingualism is whether or not being bilingual has an effect on other non-linguistic cognitive abilities, like attention or planning or memory.  But we also know that bilingualism involves many other systems beyond the cognitive systems - it interacts with social systems, emotional systems, and cultural systems.  In your opinion, OTHER than the (possible) effects of bilingualism on cognition, what is/are the biggest advantage(s) of bilingualism?

192 Words  1 Pages
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