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Domestic Violence Against Rural Women in Pakistan

Domestic Violence Against Rural Women in Pakistan

After reviewing the documents and links provided as well as watching the videos for this module you will complete the task as described: READ, WATCH, ANNOTATE 1.) 2.) 3.) Domestic Violence Against Rural Women in Pakistan: An Issue of Health and Human Rights You will now prepare one RTW paragraph to explain the research study on domestic violence. - Begin with a topic sentence that captures the big idea of the research study and identifies whether the study is quantitative, qualitative or both. - Your first CER should be on the intersection of health and human rights. - Your second CER should explain how the research study was set-up. - Your third CER should explain the results of the study. - In your concluding sentence, you should provide your opinion of what you think about the use of research to support the idea of health as a human right--is this an effective approach? (SEE FILES FOR INFORMATION & GUIDELINES)

176 Words  1 Pages
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