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For these papers, you must watch a film from the list provided below depicting a topic related to mental illness and write review of the film in terms of how it relates to abnormal psychology course content. The aim of this assignment is to get a better u

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Paper Instructions:

There will be three (3) papers due, one every two weeks. One of the paper grades will get dropped, so that only two (2) papers will count towards your final grade. For these papers, you must watch a film from the list provided below depicting a topic related to mental illness and write review of the film in terms of how it relates to abnormal psychology course content. The aim of this assignment is to get a better understanding of how mental illness is portrayed to the general public. Each review must be a minimum of 1 page and a maximum of 2 pages long and written in 12 point font, double-spaced, with one inch margins on all sides. Each movie review should include the following sections: (a) brief summary of the movie; (b) analysis of the movie’s (accurate and/or inaccurate) portrayal of mental illness and people with mental illness (c) personal insights and reflections you had during this assignment. Please choose films from the following list: 1.Split2.Benny & Joon3.Girl, Interrupted4.Melancholia5.Black Swan6.What’s Eating Gilbert Grape7.Shutter Island8.Silver Linings Playbook9.Jacob’s Ladder10.It’s Kind of A Funny Story11.A Beautiful Mind12.To the Bone

211 Words  1 Pages
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