Describe How Being A Global Citizen In The World Of Advanced Technology Can Be Beneficial To Your Success In Meeting Your Personal, Academic, And Professional Goals.
The video mainly illustrates distinct challenges that are experienced globally which in turn necessitates the involvement of global citizenship as a feasible solution. Expertise in the psychological field normally utilizes global citizenship in acquiring insights in regard to how they best interact effectively with the clients. In this context, the existing technology world which is global citizenship is important for most of the young persons (Lux, N.D). In that, it creates platforms where individuals can not only interact with the broader populace but also acquire, skills, knowledge and supportive strategies in regard to expanding their professional and academic knowledge in relation to the specific development of professions in a more enhanced and guarded world. Based on the capability of technology global citizenship provides wider platforms where individuals can succeed in personal, expertise and academic lives.
Based on my view from the illustrations by the video it is apparent that global citizenship in the contemporary technological society is a necessary venture that everyone should partake based on the associated benefits (Lux, N.D). Technology is essential given that it assists most individuals to maintain relationships with professional colleagues, family as well as friends via direct messaging and connections. Today, advanced technology is categorized as an essential aspect in regard to communication a major channel where individuals can benefit by acquiring support to achieve their personal, academic as well as expertise goals. Most individuals rely on the internet in acquiring knowledge as well as information and people with similar goals and mindsets. Also, it is through the internet that individuals can learn distinct cultures and languages an essential aspect in the professional industry today based on the growing diversity (Lux, N.D).
Building healthy relationships requires the capability to maintain consistent communication something that advanced technology supports. In that, the acquired relationships can be utilized in growing academic and professional goals (Lux, N.D). This interaction helps to understand individual’s backgrounds and their differences as well. It is by appreciating the distinctions among persons that is bound to expand one’s knowledge thus making it easier for one to participate in teamwork. It is universally argued that effective care and relationships are impossible with the absence of professional, personal and academic knowledge given that these aspects assist in understanding differing backgrounds (Lux, N.D). Based on the video it is apparent that technological and radical guidelines are incapable of achieving supportable growth in reference to expertise, academic, and individual standpoints because it necessitates the general support of global citizenship which is effective in transforming the manner in which people think or work.
Disagreement between Theorists about the Definition of Global Citizenship
Developing an actual or similar global citizen description is challenging based on the consistent utilization of identical terms that mainly describe the situation and the power held by corrective philosopher’s views. The confusion emerges because the theorists gather their arguments from differing disciplines and viewpoints which can either be developmental, training, political and religious views (Reysen & Katzarska-Miller, 2013). In connections with these concepts prior to theorization global citizen can best be described as the actual consciousness, precaution and the capability to embrace cultural diversity while encouraging social fairness and development supported by the responsibility sense.
Two of the Six Outcomes of Global Citizenship
One of the major important global citizenship outcomes is diversity valuing. Valuing diversity refers to the willingness as well as the general appreciation for different cultures from the global context (Rhoads & Szelényi, 2011). This outcome is the most significant because it asserts on the idea of nurturing relationship which in turn promotes diversity, togetherness, and respect among individuals. In addition, it promotes that thought that individuals should make rational thought in regard to all matters that concern justice, impartiality and all the forces that encourage global harmony. In this context, valuing diversity is an exploration of universal citizenship concepts that seeks to encourage collective development (Rhoads & Szelényi, 2011). The other outcome is the responsibility level that seeks to be responsive for the wellness of the world. In that through interacting with individuals and understanding their struggles and success were acquired the motivation to appreciate differences that in turn encourages harmony.
Two Personal Examples or Events That Demonstrates Global Citizenship Development
Personally, global citizenship can best be illustrated by the fact that I appreciate diversity. In life, I have learned that diversity is essential given that it supports skills and knowledge expansion. Through by diverse friends I understand different cultures and languages such as Chinese and Italian despite the fact that I have not acquired proficiency. In addition, I participate in technological interactions where I borrow thoughts and advice I regard to personal and academic issues from the relationships that I have built over the years. It is through this that I feel that my family is much broader based on the support given.
Two Specific General Education Courses and Their Influence
Public and international relations are some of the academic courses that have fueled by desire and willingness to become a global citizen. The courses emphasize that today the academic and expertise field are characterized by diversity which is beneficial in knowledge and skills expansion. This, therefore, demonstrates the need for individuals to acquire global citizenship that will impact their ability to relate to the extensive world at ease (Rhoads & Szelényi, 2011). In addition, employers are in search of diverse persons mentally and in terms of skills a thing that triggered my interests.
Lux. (n.d). Globalization: What Is Happening to Us? Infobase Press. Retrieved from
Reysen, S. & Katzarska-Miller, I. (2013). Model of global citizenship: Antecedents and outcomes. International Journal of Psychology. Vol. 48, No. 5, 858–870. Routledge.
Rhoads, R. A., & Szelényi, K. (2011). Global citizenship and the university: Advancing social life and relations in an interdependent world. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.