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Comparison and contrast between Microsoft Windows and Apple's Mac OS

Comparison and contrast between Microsoft Windows and Apple's Mac OS

Microsoft Windows and MacOS are the most popular computer operating systems currently and it's important to consider which system to use before buying one for a new computer.  The choice for the right system is a matter of individual's preference since both are well-rounded and fully featured.  The systems have more similarities than differences even though they every feature represent strength or weakness. 

 With improved development and focus user preferences and needs, the operating systems are becoming more similar especially with the introduction of Windows 10.   The two operating systems have a desktop home screen that is consistent and to which one can save folders and shortcuts. Microsoft Windows has a taskbar, and MacOS has a menu bar that is found at the bottom of a computer screen and they contain more short-cuts (Simon & Loyola, 2017).   The two systems have an almost identical functionality in File Explorer for Windows and Finder for MacOS that makes it easy to browse and search files on a computer. Also, each of the two systems has a place where deleted files can be recovered, that includes Recycling Bin for Windows and Trash for MacOS.  There are pre-installed web browsers; Windows Edge and Apple's Safari and even though they are not the best browsers in the market, they are competent since they get any job done and allows for installation of an alternative (Wienberger, 2017).  The two systems have been adding new features over the years especially in the advent of MacOS High Sierra and Windows 10. Most of the updates in the new systems seem to occur under the surface and only a few of such features that users will notice (Simon & Loyola, 2017). 

 The major differences between the two operating systems relate to the price, design and user interface and the integration of the systems in mobile devices.  There is a huge difference between the price for Microsft Windows and MacOS, with the latter being pricier since Apple is regarded as a brand. Apple also tends using higher-end products like keyboard and internal components to maintain the status of the brand.   Microsoft Windows run computers are quite cheaper since many different computers are running the system and their prices have to be competitive to have the edge over the others. Windows is also a more widely available system with the largest number of users using it, but MacOS is not as present especially due to higher prices (Wienberger, 2017).  There are more applications that are suited to Microsoft Windows than MacOS since the developers of Windows want the adoption of this application by many people while creating applications such as video games.  However, due to frequent use, the Windows is more susceptible to malware and viruses infection than MacOS since such bugs can easily be created and designed to target the use of Windows than MacOS.

Apple's MacOS design has been changing with time even though they have significant similarities with the initial system.  Concerning the appearance and texture, MacOS design uses Retina displays with most recent Macs having high resolutions. The interface utilizes this opportunity with few touches that aren't as good as a lower-resolution display but with transparency effects.  Some components of the interface are same-opaque, which enables a blurred-out view of whatever elements are behind the window to be seen through (Tober, 2005).  A Dark Mode allows the use to make darker the menu bar seen at the screen top and the drop down icon seen from that. On the other hand, Microsoft windows design does not have the improved appearance of MacOS so that it has fewer blurring elements, transparency, and animations. However, the newer elements for the Windows comes with 3D elements, more depth, motion and depth and the UI components will enable the system to remain relevant for various devices (Lambert, 2015). There are other changes that are likely to put the Windows design on par with MacOS including close, maximize or minimize button possible with the aim of reducing space occupied by interface elements like MacOS. However, MacOS is far much better in design than Microsoft Windows.

The difference between the systems user interfaces is more pronounced in Windows 10 and MacOS High Sierra, particularly how the way one can interface with the OS rather than its design. A user can interface with MacOS through Dock which may contain shortcuts to his or her favorite apps and folders that are frequently accessed.  N the other hand, Windows User interface is mostly defined by File Explore in place of MacOS's Finder which allows a person to browse and even open all computer files that have been stored. 


The choice for a computer program is based on a person's preference and knowledge of the features that Microsoft Windows or MacOS' provides. The elements for each of the systems define their similarities and differences even though their functionalities are mostly the same. 


Wienberger, M., (2017).This is why I use an iPhone instead of Android, but a Windows PC instead of a Mac. Retrieved from:

Tober, D. (2005). Access Copy: Macs for PC Users, Introduction to [website].

Simon M., Loyola R.,( 2017). macOS High Sierra: Everything you need to know about Apple's latest Mac operating system. Retrieved from:

Lambert, J., (2015).Windows 10 Step by Step. Retrieved from:


905 Words  3 Pages
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