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Honey Bees in the United States Now Protected By Federal Law

Endangered Species: Honey Bees in the United States Now Protected By Federal Law


There are several native species of the yellow bees in Hawaii which have placed under the category of the endangered species by the American Fish and Wildlife service. The bees are now protected under the endangered species act in America since they have been named as endangered species and have reduced in numbers which is the cause for the alarm (Kennedy, 2016). The Xerces society is an organization that advocated for the species to be considered as endangered since their numbers have greatly reduced (Frye, 2016). The bees are well known since they are yellow in color and have some white facial paintings. The bees are the only ones native in Hawaii therefore able to reach the Hawaii islands and are different species but researchers say that the numbers of these beautiful species is getting smaller.

The fish and wildlife service got concerned since the bee species cannot be growing smaller instead of growing in large numbers. For instance the Hylaeus anthracinus were usually found in large dozens unlike currently where they are just fifteen in number (Wang, 2016). The fish and wildlife service wanted to identify the problem affecting the population of the bees thus had to carry out research in order to identity the cause. Habitat destruction due to urbanization and development was one of the causes of the reduced bees’ population. When their habitats are destroyed they easily die since they are not adapted to live in other areas. Wildlife fires, increasing predators and introduction of some plant species such as nonnative has greatly led to their loss since they are not left with any habitat or food to feed on (Oh, 2016). In addition natural disasters such as drought and hurricanes have led to their reduction in numbers since their habitats and food get easily destroyed because of such natural calamities.

The status of the bees being placed as endangered species will ensure that the remaining bees’ populations are well protected and conserved in order to prevent them from becoming extinct (Wang, 2016). All the federal agencies consult with the wildlife service in order to interact with all endangered species thus much has to be done in order to save the remaining populations of the Hawaii bees. The federal law that led to the bees species being termed endangered is ensuring that the bees’ population is conserved and their habitats being identified so that urbanization cannot lead to the bees becoming extinct (Wang, 2016). The federal law pressures the wildlife service to clearly identity the habitats of the bees since they are important both economically and ecologically. The bees are the major global pollinators together with the butterflies thus they should be conserved since they are at a threat of facing extinction. The world’s food supply could go down without the pollinators since pollination is an essential process for the growth of plants.

Most of the crops depend on pollination which is important thus the food supply is estimated to reduce if the bees and butterflies become extinct (Wang, 2016). The bees face threats but have continued to survive thus they need protection so that they can increase in numbers rather than becoming extinct. The federal protection is aimed at ensuring the authorities implement programs which will ensure the bees habitats are recovered through providing funds for this process to take place (Czarnezki, 2011). The bees are important since they ensure that native plant species found in the Hawaii Islands are able to flourish and grow to maturity. If the bees were to become extinct the native plant species would be no more since they depend on the bees for growth and reproduction. The islands ensure that agriculture is possible in the US but if the bees were to disappear agriculture would be no more in the islands and this will cause food problems. The federal agencies are aware of the importance of the bees thus want to ensure that their habits are recovered so that the population of the bees can rise.


The federal laws have ensured the wild bees in Hawaii are protected since they are important in ensuring the pollination process remains successful and the plant growth is possible. The endangered bee species receive federal protection since wildlife service and the Xerces society are aware of the environmental advantage of the bees’ species. Their habitats have been destroyed but the laws are pushing the authorities to ensure the habitats are recovered. Thus the federal agencies provide funding to the authorities so that the bees can remain protected and their habitats recovered. The federal agencies provide funds to the organizations which research on the bees so that more research can be done on the conservation and protection of the most important agents of pollination. The bees are important since they ensure both plants and animals become healthy thus need to get protection which is now possible through the federal law that protects them. Federal protection has ensured the bees are conserved since they are important even though people might undermine them.


Kennedy. M (2016) Bees Added to US Endangered species list for the 1st time. Retrieved from     s-endangered-species-list-for-1st-time

Oh.R (2016) Bees species added to endangered list for the first time. Retrieved from   

Frye . P (2016) Endangered Species: Honey Bees in the United States Now Protected By Federal             Law. Retrieved from           in-the-united-states-now-protected-by-federal-law/

Wang.B. A (2016) bees were just added to the U.S endangered species list for te first time.           Retrieved from   science/wp/2016/10/03/u-s-bees-were-just-added-to-the-endangered-species-list-for-the-           first-time/

Czarnezki, J. J. (2011). Everyday environmentalism: Law, nature & individual behavior.








950 Words  3 Pages
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