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Thailand is the place to be for our students during the summer

Thailand is the place to be for our students during the summer




Subject: Thailand is the place to be for our students during the summer

            Thailand is one of the countries that are well known for its provision of great food, its tropical climate, mesmerizing culture, majestic physical features such as the great beaches and mountains. It is thus an attractive country for most of the travelers and hence it is important that our students get this opportunity to explore this country.

            The country is a hub for most of the tourists all over the world and hence there is a chance for our students to interact from people across the world thus getting to learn different ways in which people do their things. This will bring about social interaction thus resulting to their social development. They will be able to learn some of the values that other people hold and some of the important virtues that they are required to have as humans. As they continue to interact throughout their visit in Thailand they will be able to face some of the challenges which they will have to endure and resulting to them making decisive decisions. They will also have the chance to practice team building activities as they will be required to work together as a group thus allowing them to embrace the quality of cohesion and team work. In this case they will be accountable for one another and thus they will have a chance to be responsible students as responsibility and accountability will be the core goal of each and every child.

            The students will also have a chance to appreciate the Mother Nature through the beautiful natural features that are found in this country. Thailand experiences a tropical climate and is thus hot and humid throughout the year and thus is favorable for the students. This will enhance them to be able to learn on the importance of them conserving the nature as they will be able to interact with the natural resource managers at that place. There are waterfalls that are found all over Thailand and also the limestone formations that are also present in this country are exciting as well as educative area of research for our students. They will thus have the chance to research through observation and even in through asking questions about the nature of this area. Thus they will be able to answer the five questions on the physical features and all the occurrences of this place as they will be intrigued to ask the question of how, where, when, what and who are affected?

            The area is safe and security is paramount and hence the students will be safe during their stay in the place. Thus they have a chance to go to the market even at night so as to observe on the various economic activities that are undertaken in this place. The area has adequate amenities that the students needs during their stay there. For instance, there are affordable health facilities and hence the students will have the medical assistance that they need in case they have any medical issue.  The country has affordable pricing in all their provisions and this is important as it will enhance the institution to save on some of the expenditures that would be spent in other countries.

            Thailand has a high standard Thai-ness retention as well as retention of their culture and also their history. The areas cultural integrity stays greatly intact and thus it has a rich heritage.  Thus the students will be able to learn a new culture and also will be able to understand the background history of the Thailand people. They will also have a chance to interact with the different religion as they will have plenty of time to even visit Thai temples. They will have a chance to use their observation skills to observe some of the celebrations that Thailand uses, their culinary, mode of dressing as their way of worshipping and the way they do their activities.

            Our students will also have an opportunity to participate in social work through the social development projects in the area. Thus they will have an awesome experience as they will be able to explore this wonderful country for two weeks as they also get to visit some of the rural villages in Thailand so as to interact with them.

            I am strongly convinced that if these students are given the opportunity to visit Thailand they will have a good experience. They will have an opportunity to participate in various tasks while in this place thus expounding on their knowledge and experience. Thus Thailand should be included in the must- visit list.

            I have therefore attached a gannt chart indicating the various activities or tasks that the students will be undertaking during their visit in Thailand. This is a visual on how the project management timelines will be utilized once the students are allowed to go to Thailand.


Yours sincerely,






Gannt Chart



838 Words  3 Pages
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