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To inform my audience about my professional goals



Title: professional goals

General Purpose: To inform

Specific Purpose:  To inform my audience about my professional goals


Part I: Visual Aids

Ways in which they inform the audience:

  • The purpose of visual aids is to make the speech better and more interesting
  • It enhances credibility
  • It ensures that the audiences stay on track and understand the topic
  • It communicates complex information


Ways in which they label information:

  • The audience can label information using PowerPoint. I will avoid unnecessary images

Details or cluttering:  

  • I will avoid cluttering and overwhelming slides. The information should be simple and clear


Use of white space and color:

  • People love the color. I will provide a color presentation to attract the audience. I will use contrasting colors.  I will use white space

Use of type face/size: 

  • I will use Arial font



Part II: Speech Introduction

  1. Attention-getting statement: the purpose of my professional goals is to help me improve job satisfaction and career progression


  1. Establish credibility: I am trustworthy, competent, and accountable

III. Relevancy statement: the professional goals will motivate me in day-to-day tasks and help me achieve my desired future (Greco, 2016).


  1. Central idea: every individual needs to set professional goals to achieve milestones and great things in life.



  1. First main point
  2. I will expand professional knowledge and become more productive


  1. Taking online courses
  2. Building relation with mentors
  3. personal development skills


  1. problem-solving


  1. Work ethic


  1. Second main point


  1. I will strengthen business connections and build social and professional contacts
  2. Sharing challenges- this will help come up with solutions to the problems and ensure that all employees increase morale. Sharing challenges will also boost innovation and growth since workers will work toward a common goal.
  3. Being a resource to others- I understand that employees are resources as my professional goal is to create close contact with other workers and customers.
  4. Join groups to foster professional development
  5. Workgroups- I will join workgroups within the organization
  6. Social groups- I will join social groups and meet individuals with different professional backgrounds.


III. Third main point

  1. Intern with companies
  2. Larger company- the purpose of getting an internship is to use tools and information, understand policies and processes, and gain real-world knowledge
  3. Smaller companies- I look forward to making greater contributions and help workers in various projects.


  1. Professionalisms


  1. The internship will provide  soft skills such as teamwork, communication,  and problem-solving
  2. I will also increase confidence while working in the field




Part III: Conclusion

  1. Summary of main points
  • I understand that to be successful in my career I must set goals and work hard toward achieving them. These goals help me realize my dreams and I focus on making these dreams come true. These goals will not only benefit me but the organization will grow and improve.  The above goals will help me complete organization tasks since I will be able to solve problems and apply skills.


  1. Memorable closing statement
  • The last memorable statements that when setting goals, it is important to make sure that goals are clear and detailed, relevant, and achievable.




Part IV: References

Greco, L. M. (2016). Professional identification and career goals: goal setting in the role transition process.  University of Iowa,



522 Words  1 Pages
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