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Paper Instructions:
This is the instruction for the paper: You must read, summarize and synthesize four journal articles that are: • Specifically related to a curriculum issue or topic or • Pertinent to a particular interest of your school district or yourself. A literature review consists of the reviewers’ synthesis and interpretation of the existing knowledge related to a topic. A literature review includes: • Selection of a topic of personal interest • Establishing a broad overview of the topic (locating and reading literature) • Synthesizing the literature • Evaluating the Quality of literature The mini literature review should run between 1,000-1,500 words (between 2-4 pages). Include a summary for each article where you communicate purpose, methods, scope, results, conclusions, and recommendations. Highlight essential points and provide an overall interpretation and understanding of the topic. Also, you should include your reactions to the author’s presentation with some indication of why you drew the conclusions you did. This paper must follow the APA Style Manual. This is my proposal: Each classroom has a board that can help teachers to explain their lessons to their students in easy ways. In fact, there are several stages of the developmental boards in classrooms. My purpose in this mini literature review is to show the advantages of using the smart boards in classrooms of elementary schools because using smart boards is very important for students as well as teachers. The advantages of using smart boards are raising student's motivation, making teaching easy, and giving online access. I will talk about the history of boards from the 1800s when students used the individual school slate. Then, in 1801, James Pillans, who was a teacher in high school, invented the modern blackboard on the classroom wall. The color of the board changed from black to green because of healthy issue. In the 1980s, the whiteboard became the popular board in schools. In 1991, the smart boards were discovered that made a big jump in the development of education. Then I will talk about some advantages of using smart boards in classrooms. Even though there are a lot of studies that shows how much the smart boards which have a lot of benefits for students, teachers, and education in general. There are some schools that avoid to using them because they think that any kinds of technology will distract students. I had read two articles that showed the benefits of using smart boards in the classroom for elementary schools. First, the goal of the researchers in the study “assessment of the impact of smart board technology system use on student learning, satisfaction, and performance” which made by Warnock, Boykin, and Tung, was to investigate the relationship between using a smart board in the classroom and student outcome. The results showed that the educational technology were very important to increase and improve the student outcomes like learning, satisfaction, and performance. Second, the purpose of the study “Effectiveness of Smart Board Use in the Teaching and Learning of Statistics”, which was made by May, was to measure the effect of using smart boards on teaching mathematics of elementary and secondary schools. The result showed that the attentiveness and engagement of students increased during the class. The extra materials such as video posting, project, and PowerPoint assisted students to understand the complicated information. I will use 4 sources that support the advantages of using a smart board in classrooms. I will use the CSULB library to get my sources. References: Warnock, S. Boykin, N. Tung, W. (2011). Assessment of the impact of smart board technology system use on student learning, satisfaction, and performance. Journal of Research in Education. Volume 21, Number 1 May, P. (2014). Effectiveness of SMART Board Use in the Teaching and Learning of Statistics. Electronic Journal Of Mathematics & Technology, 8 (1), 43-52. This is what my instructor respond for my proposal: For this mini lit review you may consider narrowing your topic. For example: How effective is the use of smart boards in elementary schools. The evolution of boards in the classroom: From chalkboards to smart boards. Also, you will need to use appropriate APA formatting. this my information for the