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Using the excerpt from Sonia Sotomayor’s autobiography, My Beloved World (2013), develop a well-organized analytical essay that explains how the text reveals the unresolved contradictions of American history and the persistence of ideologies that threaten

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Paper Instructions:

I have specific writing instructions on the paper, so please follow my guidelines on it.
The prompt of the essay is :
Using the excerpt from Sonia Sotomayor’s autobiography, My Beloved World (2013), develop a well-organized analytical essay that explains how the text reveals the unresolved contradictions of American history and the persistence of ideologies that threaten the founding promise of equal opportunity for all

This essay should:
1. Explain how the text reveals the unresolved contradictions of American history
2. Explain resistance in ideologies
3. Put Sotomayor's response to 1 and 2 in her memoir
4. Make interesting and convincing connections between the text and the dissent of Hodge vs. Kentucky

I have come up with a list of topics to talk about so I will be highlighting passages referred to my guidelines in the attached files.

Scene 1:
-Opportunities to minorities are usually seen as unfitting or inappropriate
This is referred to in Sotomayor piece by the nurse at school and saleswoman who treated her badly. She was seen as lucky and not deserving of her place in Princeton (being accepted only through affirmative action)
-Relating to Hodge by seeing how he's not worth of a shot of another chance by seeing through mitigating evidence that might ease up his sentence.
-Relate this to how America was seen as a land of opportunities regardless of race, gender, economic status, etc.

Scene 2:
-When she got the chance to work on the campaign for the mayor of NYC. She realized how hard it was to represent voiceless people.
-But in Hodge, she took the chance to finally be able to say what she wants to with no hesitation, she has grown through experiences to finally be able to communicate and deliver her thoughts without holding back
-You can also relate this to the nurse incident, where she did not have the courage to say anything because she felt inferior, but now that she grew and learned, she felt deserving of speaking her mind.
-Relate this to equality in America

Scene 3:
-Talk about how the girl form Alabama referred to her roommates as 'unusual people' and she proceeded to talking to them in spanish. I assume that the girl from Alabama did not realize that she is of Spanish descent just like them because of her appearance and light skin tone. But why did she not confront the Alabama girl and tell her that she is just like her roommates and not white, instead of just speaking direct spanish to her roommates in front of the Alabama girl?
-Relate this to how she knows that she has always had constant support of her mother and Abuelita (assuming she's her grandmother) who always got her back. She was seen as the girl who opens numbers of doors and opportunities to people just like her, therefore she should never disappoint (a source of hope). Contrast this to how Hodge was treated growing up, with no one to turn to, and constantly abused. Felling completely lonely and exiled in community, even when he was held in juvenile. 

I will highlight the important parts of the text so you dont have to read through everything in 'My Beloved World", but the dissent of Hodge vs. Kentucky is a short one so please try to get the hang of what it's about so you can refer to it.

Sorry for the long instruction but I hope it helps.

scan28-50 are from my beloved world, and 51-55 are from hodge vs. kentucky

Thank You

600 Words  2 Pages
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