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six stages of interpersonal relationships

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Review the six stages of interpersonal relationships and the types of messages associated with each stage in the textbook
Review interpersonal relationship types and the theories of interpersonal communication in the textbook and in the learning activities.
Think of a relationship from a television show in US or movie that demonstrates the stages of a relationship.
Write a three to five-page paper analyzing that relationship from the contact stage to conclusion.
Your paper should include a discussion of the stages of interpersonal relationships and the types of messages associated with each stage. Include links to clips or refer to specific episodes or time markers in the show(s) or film(s).

textbook used
DeVito, J. (2020). Essentials of human communication(10th ed.). Pearson.

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143 Words  1 Pages
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