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You have been working on an organization for your course project and should have done considerable research to complete the first two parts of the project. Continue to use the company you selected (Volkswagen) to complete this part of the course project.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

You have been working on an organization for your course project and should have done considerable research to complete the first two parts of the project. Continue to use the company you selected (Volkswagen) to complete this part of the course project. You will need to select one host country where the company operates to compare with the home country.

Prepare a report on the following topics:

Evaluate three areas of potential diversity between the home country and host country. What is the company’s policy on diversity? As the leader, develop a plan for managing the areas of diversity.
You are in charge of leading a multicultural virtual team of employees in the home and host country. Assess team conflict, collaboration, and trust in multicultural virtual team. How will you manage the issues and empower your team?
Compare and contrast the role of women in leadership positions in the home and host countries of the organization selected.
Using the lectures, assigned reading, and research, construct a brief plan of how you would conduct training to prepare a manager in the home country for his or her new assignment in the host country.
Analyze the situations in which the organization can capitalize on synergy in the workplace.
Select one of the five cross-cultural management strategies from the Week 5 lectures. Apply the strategy to your organization, justifying why you selected the strategy.

242 Words  1 Pages
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