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Consider that an employee within a company-sponsored (OSHA required) medical monitoring program for your industry has just had an annual work physical and now reports to have pulmonary stress, hearing damage, and elevated blood lead (Pb) concentrations th

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Consider that an employee within a company-sponsored (OSHA required) medical monitoring program for your industry has just had an annual work physical and now reports to have pulmonary stress, hearing damage, and elevated blood lead (Pb) concentrations that were not previously reported on the employee's pre-employment exam. As a result, the human resources manager has asked you to help determine what work-related variables may have contributed to the employee's impacted health. What variables would you need to consider from within the work system, and what questions would you need to ask the worker to consider from within the worker's area of residence? How would you attempt to delineate the air quality impacts from the employee's work system and home?

130 Words  1 Pages
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