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You are successful in the market that you serve. You must plan your growth, it won’t automatically happen. There are large, emerging industries that are positioned for long-term growth. There is room for additional companies to enter into the industrie

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

You are successful in the market that you serve.  You must plan your growth, it won’t automatically happen.  There are large, emerging industries that are positioned for long-term growth.  There is room for additional companies to enter into the industries, and there are many more entry opportunities into smaller, niche (support roles) markets to supply the needs of the predominant larger companies, and/or the needs of end-users within the primary markets.  Where will you fit it?
1.    Explain “Corporate Social Responsibility” and how your company might incorporate CSR into your strategic plan.

2.    You have previously considered the top ten possible growth industries and narrowed your interest to three (3) possible industries/markets that you might successfully enter.  Select one (1) that you may enter. 

a.    Briefly review the market/industry, it’s size, history, primary products and services offered, predominant players, the kinds of products that they need from an outside source, and the reason that you will be successful in this industry/market.  

b.    What obstacles to entry could impede your success?  How do you overcome them?

3.    Would a contract manufacturing partnership accelerate product readiness for new market entry?  Explain your reasoning.

Create a 1,000-word minimum length essay in MS Word, not including an abstract, the required essay cover/title page or references.  APA formatting, spell/grammar checked, at least 2 references are required.  Submit through Safe Assign.

This assignment is due by 11:59 P.M. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 4. 

251 Words  1 Pages
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