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Comparative of India and Vietnam, With Respect To Market Expansion for Walmart Stores Inc.

Table of Contents

Country Analysis: Comparative of India and Vietnam, With Respect To Market Expansion for Walmart Stores Inc. 2

Executive Summary. 2

Introduction. 4

India Market Analysis. 25

Opportunity and Threat Factors/Trends. 26

India Threats and Trends. 27

Threats. 28

Recommendations. 29

Conclusion. 30








  Country Analysis: Comparative of India and Vietnam, With Respect To Market Expansion for Walmart Stores Inc.             Executive Summary             Today’s consumer goods sector can best be described as a class of stocks and firms that are associated with the items acquired by persons rather than the manufacturers. The industry is mainly comprised of firms that engage in the sale of products variety such as food, drinks, and appliances and so on.  Based on a report by the American Bureau of Labor Standards, it was revealed that America owns the largest consumer goods industry globally with a projection of over 446 billion dollars for the operative year 2015. The growth of the industry has mainly been facilitated by economic modernization which has made globalization to be more effective. Firms within this industry such as Walmart Inc. generates huge revenues into different industries via marketing and advertising. Walmart has consistently proved to be the best example in the consumer goods sector based on its readiness and willingness to undertake risks in its global expansion.

            Walmart has not only build more revenue over the years but it has created a non-beatable brand loyalty in the global sector. In regard to revenue generation, resources, monetary stability and market share Walmart is ranked in the foremost position globally. Since there are markets which are yet to be explored in the global context, there are unending opportunities for Walmart which can best be acquired via expansion into more differentiated and less saturated market. With the responsibility to expand more, Walmart is required to analyze the associated opportunities, threats factors as well as trends. The two emerging markets that Walmart should consider for expansion are India and Vietnam. The Indian economic market is characterized by financial stability and increased growth. Its economy is performing quite well because the wholesale and retail trade contributes about 23 percent of the total revenue used in development. In addition, India is a country that is well known for having a large and dense population with progressive developments in IT and education. However, some of the threats in India include legal, social, economic and environmental forces.

            On the other hand, Vietnam is a wealthy country in regard to natural resources with the highest population of young educated individuals. The country has experienced challenges in the past which lowered its development but it has strived through them all. Some of the opportunities include the fact that its retail and wholesale sector is not fully exploited because the major players are domestic firms. The government offers support that seeks to enlarge the investment sector beyond the domestic level. In this context, the country is characterized by favorable policies that seek to attract foreign investors so that knowledge and experience can be borrowed from the global firms. Its population is high though not as huge as that of India. Threats associated with this market are social, environmental and political. Based on the existing political and economic instability in Vietnam, India currently offers the best market opportunities for Walmart Inc. to expand and grow.







            The living standard of any given nation is dependent on its capacity to generate services as well as goods for consumption. The last few years the consumer goods sector has experienced rapid and notable development as firms are involved in the search for opportunities to offer superior goods and services, lower risks while expanding in the emerging markets. This authority is mainly asserted by a six percent growth in regard to global sales in the last one year with an expected growth of about 27 percent in the next three years (Blackwell & Eppler, 2014). With such a huge growth possibility expectation it is not surprising that the existing retailers are targeting prospects of the developing markets. Some of the markets that are demonstrating the possibility of higher growth in the nearest future are BRICKS+11 nations. These nations are characterized by an ever-increasing population and middle social classes that are consistently getting exposure to expendable earning (Blackwell & Eppler, 2014). This, therefore, implies that the highest portion of the populace has high disposable income that consumer goods firm can acquire. The diversity of the consumer goods firms creates even wider opportunities since they not only create convenience but are becoming more affordable and consumer satisfaction focused. These stores normally offer products ranging from grocery products, clothes, foods, furniture, and cosmetics (Blackwell & Eppler, 2014). These supermarkets are prevailing in the industry mainly based on their scale markets in regard to transportation, purchasing, and funding.

            Walmart has consistently proven its capacity to expand into distinct markets while reserving its economic development and brand loyalty. The company is categorized as one of the leading company globally based on its financial stability, resources, and market share as well as revenue generation (Blackwell & Eppler, 2014). Despite its accomplishment, it is apparent in order to sustain its competitive position it has the obligation of expanding further to grow its market and stability. The company is still involved in the search of more opportunities for expansion particularly in the less exploited market with high growth potentials like India and Vietnam. The analysis below will provide country analysis comparison with respect to India and Vietnam to establish the country that is characterized by the utmost potential to grow as well as expand (Blackwell & Eppler, 2014). The analysis will include a thorough review the opportunity factors and Trends to and the threat factors and trends of each country.


Walmart Inc. is an international retail leader that is engaged in retailing and wholesaling trade. The company is graded to being the retailing leader worldwide based on its resources, market share revenue, and resources which have given it the competitive advantage. The company’s success has been in particular acquired via the utilization of strategic procedures and marketing (Blackwell & Eppler, 2014). The company can best be described as a consumer-centric one given that it is mainly focused on fulfilling the needs of the consumers before maximizing profits. Despite the fact that the companies are facing competition from well-established companies from its markets globally such as Tesco and Carrefour the company has consistently maintained its position through differentiation, products diversity as well as cost leading approaches. The success of the company is mainly driven by the fact that the company is more oriented on enhancing its consumer’s lives by offering affordable and quality products. In order to sustain its values, the company consistently works on lowering its operating expenses in order to sustain its ability to sustain its advantage and attract more consumers. The retailing industry is growing rather rapidly, therefore, requiring companies to adopt strategic measures that are objected at acquiring efficiency (Blackwell & Eppler, 2014). This paper will be analyzing Walmart’s Expansion Potential opportunities and Threats through the utilization of PESTEL analysis and develop reasonable recommendations for the company’s expansion in Vietnam over India. Additionally supportive ideas as to why Walmart should prioritize to venture in Vietnam rather than India will be given based on the Macro analysis opportunities and threats.


Table 1: Country Data Comparison

Comparison Items for 2016




595.5 Billion

$8.662 Trillion

GDP Growth Rate



GDP Per Capita



Household Consumption



Labor Force

54.93 Million

513.7 Million

Unemployment Rate



Inflation Rate




$169.2 Billion

$262.3 Billion


$161 Billion

$381 Billion


$78.88 Billion

$507 Billion

Foreign Investment

$114.7 Billion

$453.2 Billion

Exchange Rate US Dollar



Note. Data for Country Comparison acquired from The CIA World Factbook” Retrieved from



            Opportunity Factors and Trends


The retailing market has created intensifying debates in regard to its potential to advance the business sector in the unexploited and emerging markets such as India, China, and Vietnam. This is a transformation that is being experienced globally and it is been demonstrated by research that despite the fact that the developed regions such as Europe and America are the leading in terms of retailing business growth but the development is however still which permits the developing markets in the Asian, Africa and other regions the opportunity of experiencing even higher growth (Blackwell & Eppler, 2014). From the success that is acquired by these companies from the emerging markets, it is apparent that there is more potential for market expansion. Research shows that the unexploited market globally is close to 90 percent which shows that in order to maintain the retailing leader Walmart should undertake the expansion venture (Blackwell & Eppler, 2014). Based on the experienced transformation and growth in the retailing market there are several standard features that were established in the electronic specialty retailing market.

Based on a survey conducted in 2016 more than 50 percent of Vietnams middle and lower classes individuals utilize most of their income on electronic devices which equates to their spending in things such as food, clothing, and luxury (Grieves, 2010). Based on the domestic firm’s success that is involved in the retailing industry, it can be predicted that Walmart can rely on Vietnam for expansion as one of the potent emerging markets. Despite the fact that the political and socio-economic climate in India is favorable for economic development given that the country has been focusing on several projects it is obvious that based on its trade regulations and foreign restrictions Vietnam is associated with lesser threats. In 2016 its GDP was $202.6 billion which has expanded with about 5.7 percent during the first six months of 2017 (Grieves, 2010). The retail sector contributes to about 33 percent of the GDP which is expected to rise (Grieves, 2010). This, therefore, creates more opportunities for growth as well as expansion.

Opportunity Factors and Trends

India Opportunity and Trends

            Globally, today Indian economy is categorized at the 17th based on its size in regard to its GDP and performance (Hiscock, 2012). In the last two years India has been known to be the fastest developing economy globally exceeding China. However, it’s GDP dropped by about 5.7 this financial year which not only shake its social but also economic development (Malviya, 2016). The most influencing factor to the decline is mainly associated with the application of Services and Goods Taxation which left most of the companies with the uncertainty of not comprehending how best to develop pricing without affecting consumption (Griffin & Pustay, 2012). The decrease therefore, demonstrate that the economy highly depends on the productivity of the consumer goods sector. However, despite the decline the consumer industry is progressing (Hiscock, 2012). Based on recent economic reports over semi-populace in India is made of middle class persons who are likely to utilize about 4 up to 6 dollars on goods purchases (Malviya, 2016).

            The country’s income comes from middle class spending, urban as well as rural industries. More so, there have been a development in the general disposable earning in the country (Bhagwati & Panagariya, 2013). For the next 7 years consumer spending is expected to increase to about 4 trillion dollars where most of the spending is acquired from food, housing, communication, transportation as well as consumer durables. The country has experienced a growth of about 5.7 percent in 10 years in the consumer goods industry (Malviya, 2016). The country additionally has a nominal expansion growth of about 12 percent which is more than double the projected 5 percent rise which implies that India is bound to become the third leading consumer market in less than 7 years (Malviya, 2016). Particularly, the established companies such as Walmart are performing quite well and the raising online shopping and consumer purchasing power influences are expected to double by 2020 (Hiscock, 2012). Walmart operates about 21 most promising and affordable contemporary stores in India which provides more than 5000 items.

Economic Market Opportunity and Potential Growth:

To begin with, the products are becoming affordable due to technological development and the ease availability of manufacturing materials. The GDP of the growing markets is particularly low which implies that there is high reluctance in regard to market penetration by the retailing companies (Chekwa, Martin & Wells, 2015). The other feature is accessed, because of this countries despite having higher market potential in regard to buyer’s willingness and demand for products there is the restricted presence of retailing infrastructure beyond major towns or areas. This implies that those that are exposed to the retailing market are quite minimal given that the larger population is restricted by access. In this context, online sales are also restricted on the ground that the development of the necessary infrastructure is minimal. Awareness and familiarity are another standard features in the retailing market. In that despite the fact that the consumers are well informed about product development, there is limited awareness and familiarity in regard to the benefits that the products offer (Chekwa, Martin & Wells, 2015). In that, it is not all about informing the public of the affordable nature of the products because they need to be informed adequately about convenience, environment, price as well as accessibility benefits.

It is rather fortunate that the above scenario is developing a more consistent modification in regard to market development. The positive change is mainly driven by several aspects which are working collaboratively. To begin with, technological advancement plays a crucial role in creating awareness and building knowledge. In that most individuals are able to acquire information at ease in regard to products directly from the internet at the comfort of their mobile phones (Chekwa, Martin & Wells, 2015). Information access is part of creating familiarity and ensuring that individual’s interests and willingness to adopt the products are triggered. Technology advancement has resulted in lifestyle change because individuals are becoming more oriented on life’s quality, affordability as well as convenience. Second, the population demographics for most of the developing markets demonstrates that there are more age category groups with a higher partiality for consumption needs that needs to be addressed. Having accessible stores and serving providers fits well within this growing needs sector. For instance, research indicates that close to 70 percent of the global populace own mobile devices that are utilized for building knowledge as well as communication (Chekwa, Martin & Wells, 2015).  This shows that half of this populace is in need of digital entertainment which is bound to enhance life’s quality. This demand will consistently create markets for electronic or digital products that work to providing individuals with home or workplace entertainment thus creating superiority in life.

Affordability and accessibility aspects are directly related to the transforming monetary status as well as spending abilities in the developing nations. The pattern is particularly evident globally particularly in the emerging markets such as Vietnam and India (Chekwa, Martin & Wells, 2015). The consequent results of the crowing spending capability are that currently, most individuals even those in the low or middle level have higher capabilities of having enough money for convenient electronic products such as televisions, mobile devices, cookers and entertainment products including the portable ones. The stabilizing financial status in the developing countries along with affordability is creating more resources for enhancing and expanding the retailing sector. In that more and more retailing companies and stores are being opened by either domestic or foreign investor in the countries. For instance, most investors are recognizing the attractive and suitable investment environment in Vietnam which is facilitated by political and socio-economic stability (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2012). The combination of these forces is facilitating the growth of favorable retailing markets because of the increasing consumer demand and spending capabilities in the markets.

However, it should be noted that despite the fact that while the disposable income is rising in the emerging and developing markets, individuals are bound to spend higher in retailing consumption but the spending is still low in terms of US dollars when equated with that of the developed countries (Grieves, 2010). It is therefore right to note that the retailing economic environment is transforming in a rapid and dynamic nature which is leading to the rise of globalization. In this context, consumers are mainly objected at purchasing from a diverse range of goods as well as services which assist them in making the most suitable options. Consumers in Vietnam are in need of a variety of products because they need to have better choices. Based on the recent reports it was established that 90 percent of the world’s population utilizes 20 percent of its income on electronic products annually while the spending in the developing markets is particularly lower (Chekwa, Martin & Wells, 2015). Therefore, the retailing companies should mainly seek to sell products that are characterized by lower prices in order to create high market opportunities in these markets.

The transforming technology and trends have additionally added to the increasing international trend in regard to the marketing of electronic products. There is an increasing need for electronic and particularly digital and entertaining products in the remote regions in the developing markets such as Vietnam and India. This is an inclusion of the population that is in unending need of electronic products knowledge. The existing geopolitical situation demonstrates that the retailing business is bound to experience 10 percent increase in the next three or so years. In relation to the increasing trend of individuals in the emerging markets, individuals are becoming more conscious in regard to product quality and prices while still trying to ensure that their lives become more superior (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2012). Therefore, there is an increased marketing opportunity for electronic products for the large populace in general.

Retail business in the global sector has in the recent experienced sprawling development. Generally, the global retailing industry is developing in a rapid nature similarly to other industries. However, while the retailing industry is categorized to be amongst the leading industries in terms of economic growth and revenue generation a significant number of the retailing market in different nations globally remains unexploited. Despite the fact that the foremost retailing companies such as Walmart, Tesco, and Carrefour are consistently making global expansion it is apparent that there is a need to venture into the untapped markets. Asia, Africa, and the Middle Eastern regions are accounted to be the leading in regard to owning most of the unexploited markets worldwide with a record of less than 30 retailing corporations most of which are domestic-based with the unstable market establishment. The general growth that is being experienced in the retailing sector is mainly fueled by technology which has transformed the manner in which retailing are carrying out their operations. With respect to the growing consumer’s preferences and demands changes which are particularly fueled by increased information access as well as favorable economic climate retailers and particularly Walmart being the retailing leader is required to approach expansion with strategic differentiation.

Walmart should utilize the expansion to the Asian countries as a growth strategy. In that, given that the corporation is faced with the threat of market saturation in its domestic market in the united states as well as in all the other developed and well-established countries, Walmart should consider making establishment to a wider presence in the emerging markets such as India and Vietnam where most of the digital retailing stores comprises of less than 10 percent of the country’s retailing sector. Based on research Vietnam proved to be possessing greater potential when equated to India despite the fact that both countries are characterized by an authoritative growth in regard to the purchasing authority and marketing potent of the target consumers. Both countries own fairly suitable infrastructure in regard to transportation, technology, and online communication. More so, both countries depict a development based strategy towards the retailing sector. However, while Vietnam is more focused on encouraging foreign investment in order to foster national development, India is primarily focused on developing its own retail so that it can acquire extensive benefits from the global market.

It was established that India provides larger markets based on its huge population but with more cultural and foreign biases. In that base, on the country’s foreign and taxation policies are quite severe which discourages any form of foreign expansion. In addition, the taxation structure is quite unfavorable. Based on the general regulation and politics surrounding it was established that Vietnam is more attractive to the expansion. In that, the political and the regulatory stability demonstrates that the business will experience admirable growth and higher sales rate. It is in this regard that the analysis of Vietnam demonstrates that the country is much better for the retailing investment contrary to India’s business environment that is characterized by political and regulatory restrictions. It is, therefore, recommended from the analysis that Walmart should consider Vietnam as its first priority for the expansion.

            Threat Factors and Trends

            Major Contributing Threat Factors: Political, Economic, Social, Technology and Environmental

Threat Factors and Trends




Political: Government policies, ideologies and regulations

-Vietnam is a wealthy country in reference to natural resources and business stability. -Despite the difficulties it has experienced in the past the market has in the recent acquired authoritative growth (Hazzawi, Palladini, & Martinelli-Lee, 2014).

-The country’s administration is mainly focused on enlarging the investment sector in order to facilitate national growth.

-The administration has set favorable policies for foreign investors where the country seeks to borrow experience and knowledge in order to participate in the global development (Grieves, 2010).

India is characterized by an authoritative governmental system. The administration has created a taxation based system where its member’s follows in tax payment related to income, property, services and sales (Kumar, 2016).

The country mainly uphold its laws and regulation to incorporate the deregulation laws, global trade controls, government as well as international stability (Kumar, 2016). This approach has played part in driving the country’s economic growth. In addition, the government is closely concerned with major issues that are bound to affect the success and progress of the administration.

Most importantly as related with the expansion of Walmart, the administration has developed sales that seeks to improve the capability and production of the administration (Kumar, 2016).

Vietnam presents less investment threats while India is more risky based on its political interests and ideological instability.

Economic: High spending trend, high income and GDP.

-Vietnam has experienced a 5.7 percent GDP growth in the last one year (Nguyen, 2017).

- The country is lacked the 14th in regard to populace with over 90 million young and literate populace (Nguyen, 2017).

- more than 50 percent of the lower and middle class populace utilize more than 20 percent of their earnings on house and personal electronics such as phones and television (Nguyen, 2017).


The country’s economic state is authoritative and plays a major responsibility in regard to modifications made on taxes, inflation, interest rates, economic development and trade rates.

Back in 2013 the economy acquired 5 trillion dollars improved further with a 5 percent raise in 2015. The country mainly encourages international investment in the nation and most of the emerging firms are new. The country is additionally characterized by increased natural resources which plays part in development.

More so, the country is focusing on creating better investment surroundings to encourage investment by modifying foreign policies for the foreign producers, investors and suppliers.

Vietnam is characterized by less investment threats than India because it offers more investment and growth potential.

Economic: Retailing Competition

-India is far more developed in regard to the retailing sector than Vietnam.

- The domestic retailing market despite its success has not acquired adequate establishment to expand equally on the national and global setting (Syamananda, 2013).


India owns an organized and adequately developed retail sector (Kumar, 2016). The sector is mainly dominated by both international and domestic firms such as Walmart Inc. which is mainly driven by its focus on investments and economic developments (Malviya, 2016).

-The administration is also seeking to develop its own retailing programs that will seek to secure a higher marker in the global setting (Kumar, 2016).

Vietnam is associated with less retailing competition as compared to India which has an established industry.

Social: Lifestyle

-Vietnam has a high population of educated and young persons which contributes to the high purchasing authority.

- the lifestyle is more digital given that individuality is highly encouraged among every individual

- India has a population that is highly conscious of lifestyle given that the literacy rate is quite high (Kumar, 2016).

- However, for India the digital lifestyle is mainly amongst the young populace which comprises of 44 percent of its populace (Lossan, 2015).

Vietnam and India possess equal risks and trends in the social context.

Social: Education

-Vietnam has both private and public system of learning that is run by the government.

-The level of literacy is particularly high given that it is about 90 percent of its entire populace (Syamananda, 2013).


India has a more developed education system where most of the funding is provided by the government. However private institutions tend to perform better than the public ones which creates a higher literacy gap (Kumar, 2016).

-However the country owns the most suitable education system with the literacy level being at 98 percent which is compulsory for children below 15 years (Lossan, 2015).


Technological: Infrastructure

-Vietnam as among the leading countries in Asia in terms of infrastructure. Internet connection is high among the population.

-Telecommunication is excellent although in some areas particularly the rural ones more advancement is necessitated (Syamananda, 2013).

- Over the years India has made notable advancement in regard to technology (Malviya, 2016). The country has additionally utilized the latest versions of smart devices with 4 and 3G technology (Malviya, 2016).


Online shopping has become particularly important and the fresh technology particularly contributes to the reduction of operation cost in its economy, led to quality improvement in the context of services and products and resulted in technology innovation (Malviya, 2016).


-India has a good infrastructure as well which is mainly fueled by its economic stability.

-The country based on its education system is characterized by the most skilled workers and its infrastructure system is particularly authoritative (Lossan, 2015). 

India and Vietnam equals in technological threats and trends.

Legal and Environmental: Regulatory changes

Vietnam has a recognized initiative that is mainly objected at promoting investment at national and global regions.

India has made many legal modifications in the recent which are aimed at encouraging investment both locally and internationally.

India is mainly emphasizing domestic investment to grow in order to sector the state more shares in the international market (Malviya, 2016).

Vietnam and India are associated with less legal threats.


            Business expansion is a strategic move that every business should take after analyzing the local surrounding. Expansion efficiency can never be acquired without mainly considering the external forces that affect the ability of any firm to be effective. Business expansion is not only characterized by increasing opportunities but threats also exist and should, therefore, be analyzed adequately. Some of the most critical forces that should be assessed include infrastructure, lifestyle, GDP, competition, government support, interests, and ideologies. If the economic stability of the country is low this, therefore, implies that the performance of the business will also be low (Hazzawi, Palladini & Martinelli-Lee, 2014). The economic status of the state and its physical and communication infrastructure are the central determinants of the performance of the business. The accessibility and efficiency of the supply chain are mainly fueled by the infrastructure and economic state. In that, the business will be necessitated to manufacture as well as distribute products to its stores so that the consumers can have access (Hazzawi, Palladini & Martinelli-Lee, 2014). The retailing industry being a major economic contributor is among the industries that are highly assessed by the government and therefore, it is the obligation of every business to focus on adhering to the set standards.

            Education, income status, and retail-related policies are a major consideration in operations. In that, the retail sector is mainly comprised of legal, environmental, health as well as ethical measures which plays part in determining supply as well as demand (Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt, 2008). In this context, if a country has invested highly in education and economic development then the income level even for the low and middle-class individuals is quite significant. The spending level becomes high given that the disposable expenses are high. Regulatory changes are likely to occur which might be influenced by political, environmental or even industrial interests (Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt, 2008). In this context, taxation system mainly affects the operation of any business in either a desirable or positive manner. For instance, the taxation rate for the foreign investment in Vietnam is quite favorable as compared to that of India. Through high foreign taxation India seeks to develop its domestic market to ensure that it acquires a favorable positioning in her global context. Investing in Vietnam is, therefore, more favorable for foreign retailers given that its revenue production might not be affected. In addition, the intention of the government is in support of development in regard to accommodating and valuing foreign investment (Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt, 2008).

India Market Analysis

            Walmart Previous Existence- Walmart part operation in India implies that the company is well familiar with the external environment in the country in regard to the existing threats, trends and opportunities (Malviya, 2016). This particularly makes the expansion by the company quite easy, beside the fact that it is required to research on the most suitable locations, targets and markets to expand within that country (Malviya, 2016).

            Middle class Rise- It is indicated by most report that past half of Indian population is made of middle class people (Kumar, 2016). This trend is very beneficial for Walmart because its consumers are consistent of low to middle class persons who are in search of quality products at affordable prices (Kumar, 2016).

            Increase in FMCG – Between 2015 and 2016 India acquired the highest increase in the consumer goods sector (Malviya, 2016). FMCG are categorized as customer goods that are associated with fast sales rate at an averagely low cost which includes vegetables, fruits, milk, and beverages and so on (Malviya, 2016). This means that the products do not stay long in the shelves and they are particularly essential for Walmart in the generation of quick revenue. In addition, the company is more efficient in goods provision as it focuses on ensuring goods are provided at the needed time and place. The company utilizes cross-docking which ensures consistent flow of products within all its stores which cuts down on costs and time (Malviya, 2016).

            Expansion in Online Business- The country has the capability to operate online based on its utmost technology status (Kumar, 2016). This status is therefore, essential to the company given that it is currently involved in the development of fresh strategies and search of expansion opportunities in the e-commerce industry (Kumar, 2016).

            Workplace Development –Indian government has developed legal modifications over the last few years and introduced minimum wages targeting the disabled populace (Kumar, 2016). Having an authoritative workforce is essential for Walmart in running operations daily and providing quality services for consumer satisfaction and loyalty (Kumar, 2016).

            Opportunity and Threat Factors/Trends

There are high economic opportunities for Walmart in Vietnam than in India. In that, the Vietnam government is very supportive and optimistic in regard to foreign investment given that it is mainly objected at ensuring that the domestic sector is supported to acquire development prior to venturing fully in the global sector (Timilsina, 2015). On the other hand, India presents more economic threats for the company given that the administration attempts to encourage foreign investment via the development of favorable foreign trade and investment policies. Most of the tax that supports the India government is mainly acquired from the foreign investment while those that are situated in Vietnam enjoys close to similar privileges with those that are domestically. Indian administration is seeking to develop investments nationally but its policies in regard to foreign investments are rather restrictive which presents challenges for such investments. Despite the fact that its socio-economic status is favorable for retail investment the administration is mainly seeking to develop its own market so that it can acquire benefits from the global context. In spite of the fact that India has been advocating for foreign investment, it has demonstrated less corporation in creating favorable policies to encourage growth (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2012).

    In the technologically fueled business, it is crucial that the potential of the business via the use of digital means. For both countries, they own suitable infrastructure system that supports development. The cost viability in both nations is low which implies that the company can operate under lesser expenses. However, given that Vietnam is more favorable to the foreign investment it is more suitable to sustain and develop (Vietna Bridge, 2017). Vietnam and India are wealthy countries in reference to natural resources and business stability. Despite the difficulties Vietnam has experienced in the past the market has in the recently acquired authoritative growth (Vietna Bridge, 2017). The country’s administration is mainly focused on enlarging the investment sector in order to facilitate national growth. The administration has set favorable policies for foreign investors where the country seeks to borrow experience and knowledge in order to participate in the global development (Vietna Bridge, 2017).  With India’s utmost population and the potential growth in the retailing industry, Walmart can take advantage and develop its ground. On the ground that Walmart operates under the cost leading approach it is important for it to mainly operate in favorable markets that are associated with fewer restrictions. In that the company can only retail its values on convenience, flexibility as well as cost leading through lowering its costs which under high taxation and strict regulations cannot be acquired (Timilsina, 2015). In other words, the competent authority of Walmart is undoubtedly and the company has the capability of retaining it in the long run.

India Threats and Trends

The leading threats and trends that can be observed from India are social, environmental and legal forces. Despite the fact that there is religious liberty in India, Hindus radicals have generated an aggressive environment against those of opposing faiths and discouraging actions are taken gradually (Kumar, 2016). In addition the recent reports shows of the continuing mob rape scenarios which shows that the social environment is not stable (Kumar, 2016). The country additionally struggles from the disgraceful labor market which is manly driven by restrict societal norms. Based on increased economic production the country is consistently struggling with pollution because it has health effects which affects the general living condition particularly in the urban locations.

The legal threat has be marked relatively high due to the issues the country experience in both social and environment trends (Kumar, 2016).  Because the country does operate under the freedom of religion the country will have to gain a better control of the Hindu extremist and implement better laws to prevent the violent acts from occurring. Similarly, India government will have to implement better environmental control laws over pollution (Kumar, 2016).  Political, Economic, and Technology threats were rated moderate, due to the success the countries has experience in each one. Nevertheless, there will be limitation due to the high threats mentioned in Social, Environment, and Legal factors (Kumar, 2016).



            Aggressive attacks by Hindu radicals- The aggressive attacks by religious radicals might affect the operations of Walmart in its quest to attract more consumers, investors and capable suppliers who are willing to offer their support to the company. This is because such a condition will ultimately create fear among consumers particularly those from different beliefs other than Hinduism (Malviya, 2016).

            Air Pollution- Pollution in India is growing rather rapidly which will ultimately affect the existence of consumers. In that with such effects the consumers are likely to spend most of their incomes on health rather than goods purchasing (Malviya, 2016). Such trends are severe and they necessitate immediate interventions by the government because their short run effects will affect its long run stability (Malviya, 2016). However, this is beyond the control of Walmart and therefore, an expansion in the country necessitates coping with such challenges until favorable adjustments are made.

            Goods and services Tax (GST) – In India goods and servicing taxation has influenced most companies particularly its general capability to place favorable prices on goods (Malviya, 2016). For Walmart Inc. it is essential to note that the taxation will affect its affordability strategy given that low pricing to attract consumers will result in revenue loss and ultimately the company will closure.


From the analysis above, it is suggested that Walmart should particularly prioritize to expand primarily in Vietnam rather than India as its potential target. Vietnam and India are both similar and yet different in regard to the opportunities, threats and trends that they possesses in relation to the retailing industry. Both country are associated with favorable socio-economic state given that their economies are stable. However, the major differences among them revolves around the government based policies and ideologies and competition which favors an investment in Vietnam. To begin with the GDP of both countries, the education level, income rate and the infrastructure supports retailing development.

However, India has a well-developed retailing industry which is mainly supported by the need by the government to develop its locally based sectors in order to expand into the global market. The administration in India mainly advocates for domestic investment and in discouraging foreign investors the ideologies are rather unfavorable and the regulations are harsh on the foreigners. By creating a positive perception in regard to domestic products while discouraging the foreign one this implies that Walmart will have a challenging moment in creating awareness as well as familiarity of its products. In addition, the well-established domestic sector will pose intensifying threats to Walmart that might lead to less revenue generation.

Walmart should not therefore get into the Indian market because it has already established itself there and failed. Second, the economic, environmental and legal environment are unfavorable for Walmart. This is because India has made several legislative modification that encourages domestic investment and discourages foreign investors by subjecting them to high taxes. The recent move by the country in regard to Goods and Services Taxation (GST) is unfavorable for Walmart because its expansion strategy mainly depends on quality and affordability an operation which might not be possible. This is because while the company might set low prices to attract consumers the legislative will ultimately lead to losses rather than gain which will lead to its closure. On the other hand it has more opportunities in Vietnam given that the government has set favorable investment policies both for the local and foreign investors because the country is focused on economic stability via extensive investment. Its social, political and environmental stability additionally presents more opportunities for Walmart investment and growth.

            Conclusion             It is apparent that based on the analysis conducted above, Vietnam yields the utmost opportunities for Walmart’s expansion. Walmart is popular for its capability to get into non established markets like Vietnam and create even more opportunities for other industries. Based on Vietnam’s rural and medium income socio-economic environment, Walmart appears to be owning the highest opportunity of successfully accomplishing this project. India is characterized by strict and limiting restrictions that would affect the capability of Walmart to success. In that the taxation on Goods and Services affects the values of Walmart which are convenience, affordability and quality. In that if the company ventures in the expansion it will experience higher revenue losses in the market. More so the country has a non-stable social, environmental and economy which means that Walmart can never exploit its full potential in such a market.

Walmart is the global leading retailer in terms of resources, market share as well as competitive positioning. The company’s mission is to ensure that it generates a revenue more revenue growth while meeting the needs of the consumers and lowering its operating expenses. It is clear that its cost leading and differentiation approach has given the firm more authority in the industry globally. So, that these goals can be met efficiently there is a need to expand to the emerging markets for that it can exploit a larger share which will contribute in further expansion and more competitive positioning. The company has been operating under close competition from the established firms and it should therefore, operate aggressively to sustain this position. The company based on its large size, resources as well as reputation can expand in Vietnam and acquire strategic success on the ground that the market is characterized by less restrictions, competition as well as exploitation. The competitive position can best be sustained by mainly focusing on developing the global market particularly by focusing on the new markets which are characterized by higher potential.


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