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Jonathan’s specific problem pertained to the prevalence of eating disorders and how they interfere with first year college students’ adjustment to college. Maribel’s research objective is to determine if a new type of group therapy decreases the frequenc

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

For each of the below cases, state what is perceive as the misalignment between two elements of the concept paper and a reason why.  

Mismatches among the elements of the concept paper
Misalignment in two cases....
Case 1:
Jonathan’s specific problem pertained to the prevalence of eating disorders and how they interfere with first year college students’ adjustment to college.  Maribel’s research objective is to determine if a new type of group therapy decreases the frequency of obsessive behaviors for first-year college students.  
Case 2:
Maribel’s sample size is 20 students, 10 who are attending group therapy, and 10 who are in individual sessions.  She plans to use an interview guide to collect and analyze narrative data about their reflections on how therapy is helping them to adjust to school.  She plans to discover patterns and themes in the data.  

151 Words  1 Pages
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