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Identify the key benefits of a company investing and trading securities. Provide a rationale for your response.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

"Securities Market and Investment Diversification” Please respond to the following:
1.    Identify the key benefits of a company investing and trading securities. Provide a rationale for your response.

2.    List two (2) reasons investment diversification is important. Explain your rationale.

"Business Organization and Stock Ratios"  Please respond to the following:
1.    Go to CNBC’s Website, located at, or Yahoo Finance’s Website, located at, and select one (1) stock of your choice. Next, compare the stock’s two (2) most important financial ratios to both the financial ratios of least one (1) of its competitors and to industry averages. Be prepared to discuss.

2.    Determine at least two (2) benefits to an organization using a partnership business structure as opposed to establishing a corporation structure. Provide support for your response. 
From the e-Activity, explain the ratio that is most meaningful to assessing the performance of your chosen stock. Provide support for your rationale. 
"Working Capital and Short-Term Financing"  Please respond to the following:
1.    Determine the single greatest challenge to a small business’ working capital. Identify at least two (2) methods this small business could use to address the identified challenge.  Provide a rationale for each method that you identified.

2.    Explain the major economic and / or other salient business environmental factors that are likely to impact the availability of short-term financing for a given business. Provide support for your rationale.

"Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Interest Rates"  Please respond to the following:
1.    From the e-Activity, identify the most significant U.S. GDP results and trends for the most recent three-year period. Indicate the key factors that you believe have had an impact on the GDP increase or decrease. Provide support for your rationale. 

2.    The Federal Reserve Board has kept the federal rate to a nominal rate in recent years. Explain the rationale for this behavior, indicating the effectiveness on financial markets.

330 Words  1 Pages
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