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The Future of products

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Paper Instructions:

Write more to the outline I have put on the bottom. Improve from it and make the thesis statement better. The five sections below need to at least have one hundred words each and there needs to be at least 3 references. 


Introduction- Have you ever wonder what will happen once we start running out of raw materials. Is reverse logistics and the secondhand market the future of solving our hunger for products when raw material are becoming more scares every day? 

Literature Review- Studies have shown that secondhand products are getting popular and have increased in demand because people are learning about the importance of sustainable consumption ( Henkel, 2017)

Findings- It has always been known that reverse logistics is a necessary evil. With economies running out of raw materials many companies have switch their efforts to recycling and have promoted the secondhand market.  They can see that to be sustainable for the future we have to realize that new isn’t always going to work. 

Conclusion- With the ever-growing population a new type of framework will succeed in the near future. Reverse logistics will be the new norm for all companies and the secondhand market won’t be seen with such a negative view. The future is coming, and the future has created a market for used materials that’s funnel through reverse logistics. 


Henkel, R. (2020, April 13). Trend topic: How the second-hand market is growing. Retrieved April 13, 2020, from

256 Words  1 Pages
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