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Categorize the nature of law and legal rights and the sources of law; Illustrate uniform state laws; Differentiate between the federal and state court systems; Compare and contrast the forms of alternative dispute resolution; Discuss and critique constitu

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Paper Instructions:

Here are the learning objectives for this assignment: Categorize the nature of law and legal rights and the sources of law; Illustrate uniform state laws; Differentiate between the federal and state court systems; Compare and contrast the forms of alternative dispute resolution; Discuss and critique constitutional limitations on governmental power

Paper is to Read the following articles below about the baggy pants ban and discuss the following:

Do you agree with these arguments in favor of banning baggy pants? Can a person argue that wearing no clothing at all is also a form of free speech? Do you believe that a law prohibiting people from wearing only underwear would be unconstitutional? Can any limits be placed upon what clothing one may wear?

I need an "A" and things must be written in APA. Please also use two additional sources to support the arguments.

161 Words  1 Pages
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